Revisit a special birthday from when you were younger. Describe specific details, with emphasis upon the senses. Now that you are older, how do you feel about what your family and/or friends did or did not do for you? What does that event mean to you now?

Revisit a special birthday from when you were younger. Describe specific details, with emphasis upon the senses. Now that you are older, how do you feel about what your family and/or friends did or did not do for you? What does that event mean to you now?

Describe what you see in as much detail as you can – i.e. what is the physical distance between partners?

7. Stern – Infant – Caregiver Observation Paper 20% Due: Paper is due May 7th, 2021. Please upload to Classe365 by midnight. Part A) Read Stern’s (1995) The Motherhood Constellation. Please also read the provided articles by Alperovitz,  and Bloom. In his book, Stern (1995) discusses the clinically relevant material as being found in the … Read more

Write one short summary paragraph about what you learned specifically from the peer-reviewed scholarly resources in relation to your chosen issue and the sociology of family.

3 short answer questions I have the source documents too Write one short summary paragraph about what you learned specifically from the peer-reviewed scholarly resources in relation to your chosen issue and the sociology of family. (150 word max.)

Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health.

The topic for this research paper was more of a free write, I decided to Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health. There isn’t a wrong way to write this paper, my professor let my class and I choose any topic we wish to focus … Read more

Discuss the current research / studies that are currently being done on the subject? What studies have you found?

I. Introduction (minimum 2 pages / can be more) Define your terms – Introduce topic and all terms / explain in detail, give criteria for diagnosis (USE DSM-V for proper diagnostic criteria). Discuss stats – who does it effect& why and also cause both nature & nurture. II. Body (min. 2 pages – can be … Read more

How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic?

1.If you were summarizing the information you have learned about the selected topic to someone not familiar with this topic, what would be the most important elements that you would share? 2. How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic? 3. In regards to the topic you selected, what do … Read more

What is the role of the people in the Texas political system?

Assignment Topic: What is the role of the people in the Texas political system? *Key elements to address include: *The role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties; *The state and local election process; *Rights and responsibilities of citizens; and *Key issues and policies and political culture. PowerPoint presentation, 9-12 slides in length, from … Read more

Write your own short piece of historical fiction (fully cited in MLA, APA, or Chicago style).

Historical fiction is defined as movies and novels in which a story is made up but is set in the past and borrows true characteristics of the time period in which it is set[1]. In other words, it is fiction (make believe) that is set, uses, compares, or takes place in history. Some well-known examples … Read more

, What larger message does “Babylon Revisited” reveal about forgiveness and regret?

GIVEN that Fitzgerald allows us to sympathize (or at least to understand…) both Charlie and Marion’s respective positions, what larger message does “Babylon Revisited” reveal about forgiveness and regret? Requirements Your post should take the form of a 200-word paragraph. (Any submission less than 190 words OR more than 210 will receive a 15% deduction. … Read more

Identify and outline key development issues in the case study that are impacting on Robert’s learning connect these development issues with relevant learning theories.

“Robert, a nine­ year-old boy, recently moved with his family to a new academically rigorous school where his mother and father both teach. He also has a younger sister who attends the school who is age six. During the first few weeks of the school year, Robert’s classroom teacher said he was quiet and was … Read more