Discuss the current research / studies that are currently being done on the subject? What studies have you found?

I. Introduction (minimum 2 pages / can be more) Define your terms – Introduce topic and all terms / explain in detail, give criteria for diagnosis (USE DSM-V for proper diagnostic criteria). Discuss stats – who does it effect& why and also cause both nature & nurture.

II. Body (min. 2 pages – can be more) – Discuss the current research / studies that are currently being done on the subject? What studies have you found? Find a specific study on treatment options. Discuss specifically what they did in the experiment and their results. YOU MUST have at least 2 journal articles on scientific studies done (one medicinal / one non-med) Note – these must be large population experiments done (minimum 20 people per study) NOT individual case studies! Also discuss the effects of this disorder Be sure to look at gender and age as factors in effects as well.

III. Personal Thoughts – Reaction (min.2 pages / can be more ) Why did you choose this topic? What is your personal experience with this topic? What did you learn? Did your opinion change? Do you plan to do anything with your new knowledge? THIS IS REQUIRED – YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 2 PAGES HERE

IV. Bibliography

REQUIRED APA CITATION FORMAT : No NOT use auto insert for citations…

Format: (author last name, year, page #) ie (Dumont, 2007, p 12-16)

DSM-V citation is (APA.2013.pg) or (APA. 2013. Online) MUST USE THIS

Multiple authors: (Smith et al. 2017. p 567) then list ALL of the authors on the Bibliography page.

Websites (www.nimh.nih.gov) just list website in parentheses – then on Bibliography page provide more detail on this source / exact pages visited / extended webpages