, What larger message does “Babylon Revisited” reveal about forgiveness and regret?

GIVEN that Fitzgerald allows us to sympathize (or at least to understand…) both Charlie and Marion’s respective positions, what larger message does “Babylon Revisited” reveal about forgiveness and regret?


Your post should take the form of a 200-word paragraph. (Any submission less than 190 words OR more than 210 will receive a 15% deduction. And no, that does not include your heading, title, or bibliographic information.)
It must include a clear answer to the question above (mini-thesis statement).
It must include relevant textual analysis that directly supports your position.
Be sure to quote only as much of the text as is necessary to make your point; quotations should not be used as mere filler. Parenthetical citations are required AS IS a WC entry.
Your post must be free from grammatical errors/typos.