Discuss a recruitment, selection, and development plan for a position within your organization that needs to be filled.

Principal for a private K–12 school Principal for a public school Hiring manager for an institution of higher education Military member (overseas or domestic) Corporate training manager (or HR staff member responsible for training) Part 1 Based on the perspective you chose from above, you will Discuss a recruitment, selection, and development plan for a … Read more

What are some of the causes, parts, or effects of the problem that you think you want to focus on in your research paper?

The Digital Journal has two purposes, which are to help you: develop a regular writing practice, by writing at least 250 words each week; and start/continue doing some exploratory free writing that you might be able to use for your next essay assignment, the Problem Solution Research Essay. You should have previewed the instructions for … Read more

How does the organization of the space or historical accents aim to provoke though to revoke the past?

1.How does the organization of the space or historical accents aim to provoke though to revoke the past? 2.How do the artifacts or elements of the project work to create  a layered history? –What is the program/experience.Is it complementary or seperate from the host structures previous identity/memory.– What specific artifacts or remnants of the past … Read more

Describe an imaginary scenario where you are working with a child with a communication delay. Describe the child, their capabilities, and learning needs.

Describe an imaginary scenario where you are working with a child with a communication delay. Describe the child, their capabilities, and learning needs. Describe a language tool that you have found or invented that would support this child. If you can find pictures or videos online that help to explain the tool, include these, with … Read more

. What is significant about this observation? What can you argue about the text? Use the Snow White story and the completed literary topic analysis and thesis attached to complete the outline.

. What is significant about this observation? What can you argue about the text? Use the Snow White story and the completed literary topic analysis and thesis attached to complete the outline. I. Paragraph 1: Introduction A. Hook B. Author C. Title D. Main characters E. A short summary F. Thesis II. Paragraph 2: First … Read more

Outline the pros and cons of having a pure deterrence theory correctional policy implemented in the United States.

“In a meaningful way, clarify your understanding of the correctional system. Outline the pros and cons of having a pure deterrence theory correctional policy implemented in the United States. How could the theory be improved upon to make it more effective at reducing and preventing crime ?

Evaluate the current moral, philosophical and worldview influences in a specific, researched public administration case study.

Evaluate the current political economic state of the United States Constitutional Republic. Evaluate the current moral, philosophical and worldview influences in a specific, researched public administration case study. Whatever source is used for the actual case study must focus on a real-world public administration situation that is being discussed and analyzed in the chosen article. … Read more

Construct the cash flow identity for the company. Explain what each number means.

What is the cash flow to creditors? LO 4 22. Cash Flow Identity Graffiti Advertising, Inc., reported the following financial statements for the last two years. Construct the cash flow identity for the company. Explain what each number means. 2019 Income Statement Sales $750,727 Cost of goods sold 430,821 Selling and administrative 165,676 Depreciation 72,489 … Read more

Discuss and Analyze software design and development strategies.

•Analyze and Solve computing problems; Design and Develop suitable algorithmic solutions using software concepts and skills both (a) introduced in this course, and (b) taught in pr-requisite courses; Implement and Code the algorithmic solutions in the C++ programming language.•Discuss and Analyze software design and development strategies; Make and Justify choices in software design and development; … Read more

Write a research paper based on any topic that we will cover this semester. Review the 8 steps to Writing a Research Paper.

Write a research paper based on any topic that we will cover this semester. Review the “8 steps to Writing a Research Paper” PDF uploaded to the files section of Canvas. The online FIT library (https://lib.fit.edu (Links to an external site.)) has a large collection of scholarly journals that you use to help formulate your … Read more