Write a research paper based on any topic that we will cover this semester. Review the 8 steps to Writing a Research Paper.

Write a research paper based on any topic that we will cover this semester. Review the “8 steps to Writing a Research Paper” PDF uploaded to the files section of Canvas. The online FIT library (https://lib.fit.edu (Links to an external site.)) has a large collection of scholarly journals that you use to help formulate your hypothesis and use as evidence in your paper. Papers can utilize any well-known citation style (i.e. MLA, APA, etc.).

NOTE: A Research Paper must answer a question. For example, let’s say you choose RFID as your topic. If your paper just describes the types of RFID systems is NOT a Research Paper. However, a paper that addresses the research question “What impact has RFID had on logistics for American retail companies?” and hypothesizes that “RFID has had a positive impact on American retail companies” is a research paper. The paper should then go on utilizing evidence from scholarly sources to either prove or disprove the hypothesis.

TIP: Choose a topic, then do some reading about that topic to formulate your research question and hypothesis. Use these to plan your paper with an outline. This will provide a good scaffold to use when constructing your paper to ensure you answer your research question to either prove or disprove the hypothesis you made. I am happy to review your paper at any stage of the process (topic, hypothesis, outline, draft, etc.) this is not requirement, I just ask that you allow me ample time to provide feedback. Just email me your paper via canvas and let me know what type of feedback you are looking for.

To receive full credit, the paper shall:

Submission – Paper must be submitted to Canvas as a MS Word Document with the .docx file format. The file name should be in the following format Last Name, First Name docx. For example, “Twain_Mark.docx”.
FIT students get a free copy of Office 365, including MS Word, from Microsoft to install on their computer. Info here: https://it-faq.fit.edu/it_faq/content/4/378/en/how-do-i-install-office-365-on-my-windows-_-mac-device.html (Links to an external site.)
Submissions will be reviewed by TurnItIn.com for plagiarism, spelling and grammar.
Topic – select a topic based on anything that we will cover this semester.
Hypothesis – create a research question or hypothesis. This is the question that your paper should answer.
Sources – the paper uses scholarly sources as evidence to persuade the reader of your argument. Papers must use a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are typically peer reviewed journal articles. If you have any questions if a source qualifies please contact your professor. Other general background sources may be used but don’t count as scholarly sources. These are listed in your works cited.
Citations – any concepts, ideas or direct quotes used from a source must be cited appropriately. If you do not cite your source, you are using someone’s ideas without permission, this is plagiarism, and the university has a strict policy on plagiarism. These are notations throughout your paper that point to the works cited showing where an idea or quote came from.
Length – the body of the paper should be 5 pages, double spaced 12-point font. Papers that are too short likely don’t have enough evidence to support your hypothesis. Papers that are tool long might require a bit more focus. The 5-page count requirement doesn’t include: title page, executive summary, works cited, etc.; it only includes the body.
Structure – typically papers are structured with an introduction, body and conclusion.
Spelling & Grammar – No spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
Integration of Knowledge – The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.
Cohesiveness – Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.