Identify and explore interventions that can be implemented to improve the health, well-being and/or quality of life of the individual.

Identify and explore interventions that can be implemented to improve the health, well-being and/or quality of life of the individual.
If developing your own case scenario, you may ask for support from your tutor. The case scenario should briefly describe the individual’s circumstances, i.e., their age, gender, ethnicity, accommodation and social circumstances, and the type of condition(s) and/or support need(s) they are living with. You could briefly, state why and how they are supported by an existing service.
Within the written detail students are expected to offer reasons for their suggested interventions and why they would prioritize some interventions over others. This discussion should include the underpinning perspective (models of promoting health) of the issue/condition/support need identified. The student should discuss how the interventions will impact on the individual’s and the family’s health and well-being including any lifestyle changes. Further, a comparison between individual and societal level interventions should be discussed.