What are some of the causes, parts, or effects of the problem that you think you want to focus on in your research paper?

The Digital Journal has two purposes, which are to help you:

develop a regular writing practice, by writing at least 250 words each week; and
start/continue doing some exploratory free writing that you might be able to use for your next essay assignment, the Problem Solution Research Essay. You should have previewed the instructions for this assignment, and brainstormed and chosen a possible research topic already. In this week’s Digital Journal entry, you’ll start pre-writing on what you think you already know about this research topic you’ve chosen. Click here to see the Research Essay pre-writing questions, then free write your answers for your Digital Journal entry. You could also free write to start organizing some of the information you found about the problem: What are some of the causes, parts, or effects of the problem that you think you want to focus on in your research paper?
Also, click on this link to see how to check the word count of your writing for your entry in your google doc, so that you meet this week’s minimum word requirement. (Look at the article in section 2, “Find the Word Count for Selected Text in Google Docs.”)

Then click here to submit your Digital Journal Entry #11. Make sure you press the blue Submit button. (Look at the attached screenshot.) Due by 4/2/21 at 10am.

Note that these weekly Digital Journal assignments are recurring, and go to the same google assignment link — so if you try to submit your Digital Journal assignment earlier in the week (before I have returned last week’s Digital Journal assignment to you), then it will say that it was “Submitted”, and will not let you turn anything in yet. Be patient. Check your email first, for the notification that tells you that your Digital Journal assignment from last week was returned; then, you can turn in this week’s new Digital Journal assignment (with the new entry that you completed for this week). OR, you can “Unsubmit” your prior Digital Journal submission, upload your updated Digital Journal with the new additional entry, and “Submit” that — I will be able to see if you submitted multiple entries.