Discuss a recruitment, selection, and development plan for a position within your organization that needs to be filled.

Principal for a private K–12 school
Principal for a public school
Hiring manager for an institution of higher education
Military member (overseas or domestic)
Corporate training manager (or HR staff member responsible for training)
Part 1

Based on the perspective you chose from above, you will Discuss a recruitment, selection, and development plan for a position within your organization that needs to be filled. One of your first tasks in this role is to articulate the needed position, the duties of the role, and how the role fits within the organizational structure of the organization. (For example, the need for a special education teacher.) Include the following:

A description of the organization and how the position fits into the mission and current strategy of the organization.
A description of the position and the position’s requirements (knowledge, skills, and abilities of the person needed to fill the position).
A development plan applicable to the position, describing both internal and external development, with career as well as job task development considered.