Has Kilo acted unethically in any way(s)? Explain using one of the ethical philosophies from the readings and facts from the scenario.

Explain using one of the ethical philosophies from the readings and facts from the scenario. Case of Global Ethics vs. Global Economy This is a case that will be tried in the court of Public Opinion. Kilo Shoe Company, a United States corporation, buys clothing assembled by Crystal, LTD., a foreign company that employs children … Read more

Describe documentation required for initial IND submission and ensure Getafix understands the necessity of IND maintenance throughout drug development.

Outline operational and strategic considerations Getafix should take into account when preparing to submit its initial IND to the FDA. RGA 6101 – Therapeutic Product Development Spring 2023 Quarter Assignment: Based on the information provided below and discussed in class, prepare a 3 – 4 page report outlining recommendations for preparation and maintenance of an … Read more

What was the last state admitted to the Union and when ?

How many States are there in the United States of America American Politics Answer all of the following question on one submission. Each question is a separate opportunity. What is the name of the “Forgotten” Colony. (not the “lost”, “first”, nor “last” colony)? How many States are there in the United States of America? (a … Read more

Develop a voiceover PowerPoint presentation to share with their course mates.

Discussion: Video Presentation: Cultural Immersion Experience Assignment Instructions The Cultural Immersion Experience Video Presentation allows the students to consider multicultural trends found in a particular diverse cultural group of the United States and to begin comparing/contrasting their own cultural experience with that of this other group.  Through the actual experience of what it is like … Read more

How would you answer the client’s concern that you did not identify the problems in the payroll system or even advise them of the internal control weakness?

Identify two major inherent risks and explain why you believe they are inherent risks. Case Information:  You are the audit senior of High-Quality Equipment Pty Limited (HQE), a consumer electronics and home appliances manufacturing company. Mobile Technology Pty Ltd (MT), a publicly listed company in the United States, is a mobile phone manufacturer. HQE is … Read more

What factor or factors seem to be perpetuating the environmental injustice?

What would you propose as a fair solution to the conflict if you were in a position of power GEO 1330 environmental science Pick a conflict in the United States that interests you, read the complete entry on the conflict, and consult some of the linked resources. (Note that entries vary in how much information … Read more

Why would these SLU values along with honesty, justice, and consistency be important considerations for the legalization debate?

Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. The debate over the legalization of marijuana in the United States has been raging for over a century, with both sides having clear points of view. Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. After you have presented both sides of the debate, … Read more

Discuss the specifics of your findings, determining whether the economic cost is justified.

Cost of Treating Disease Respond to the following: Using online resources or the Strayer Library, research the cost of treating infectious diseases in the United States compared to the cost in the United Kingdom. Evaluate the cost of treating infectious diseases in the United States compared to the United Kingdom in terms of person, time, … Read more

What policy recommendations would you make that might encourage families to have children?

Read the provided article and thoroughly address the following questions and submit in a Word document Answer the following questions based on article This article examines the post-covid fertility rates in the U.S. It demonstrates how fertility, immigration, mortality, and the economy are intricately intertwined. Read the provided article and thoroughly address the following questions … Read more

What do you consider to be the biggest threat currently facing the United States and (briefly) why?

The employee argues that the procedures are medically necessary for the treatment of gender dysphoria 1) What do you consider to be the biggest threat currently facing the United States and (briefly) why? If you were a member of Congress (you decide with house, state, and party), what legislation would you propose to try to … Read more