Examine the scandal and provide a brief historical overview of the events and give analysis of the events by applying all of the concepts and theories that we learned during the course.

Case Description In May of 2021, federal Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion delivered his long-awaited report on the role of former federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau in the WE Charity scandal. The commissioner found that Morneau breached various sections of the Conflict of Interest Act by improperly furthering  private interests, by failing to recuse himself from … Read more

Write a letter compelling a friend or family member to change either a behavior or a belief with which you disagree. Choose your own topic because the letter will be written to an individual of your choosing, you must tailor your language and logic to the person to whom you are writing.

NARRATIVES Write a letter compelling a friend or family member to change either a behavior or a belief with which you disagree. Choose your own topic because the letter will be written to an individual of your choosing, you must tailor your language and logic to the person to whom you are writing. Assignment-Specific Requirements: … Read more

Identify the challenges COVID-19 presented to pet owners who were accessing veterinary services.

The impact covid-19 had on veterinary practices from a pet owner’s point of view . Identify the challenges COVID-19 presented to pet owners who were accessing veterinary services. Research the uncontrollable barriers which prevent pet owners from taking their pet to the veterinary practice like they usually would.

Write a paper looking critically at a song and how it relates to a social, historical or political issue. Analyzing the lyrics and linking it to a social, historical, or political issue to inform audience.

Social, historical or political issue. Write a paper looking critically at a song and how it relates to a social, historical or political issue. Analyzing the lyrics and linking it to a social, historical, or political issue to inform audience. Times new Roman, double spaced, font 12. Should be proper MLA format. Should have four … Read more

The Freedom Convoy : Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach best explains this event? What are the limitations of each approach? Ultimately, what is the most appropriate response, if any, to the protest on the part of the federal government?

The Freedom Convoy In January 2022, thousands of protestors dubbed “The Freedom Convoy” descended upon Ottawa to protest all Covid-19 restrictions. Thousands of truck trailers shut down the city core. How are we to characterize this group of protestors? Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach … Read more

Drawing from your own experience, select a process used at your place of work or in your interaction with an organization that you would like to see improved.  Explain why you picked that process. 

Information Systems 1. Drawing from your own experience, select a process used at your place of work or in your interaction with an organization that you would like to see improved.  Explain why you picked that process. 2.  Imagine that a system is to be implemented (or an existing system improved) to make that process better … Read more

Research and explain the uncontrollable barriers which prevent pet owners from taking their pet to the veterinary practice .

The impact covid-19 had on veterinary practices from a pet owner’s point of view. Identify the challenges COVID-19 presented to pet owners who are accessing veterinary services. Research and explain the uncontrollable barriers which prevent pet owners from taking their pet to the veterinary practice .  

Data Analysis : Using NVivo analyze the transcriptions of the interviews collected from the pilot study and write an academic journal based on the data analysis.

Data Analysis An academic article/journal analysis data collected from five semi-structured interviews on the impact that COVID-19 has had on pastoral caregivers. The method of analysis is qualitative and the word count is 5000. Using NVivo analyze the transcriptions of the interviews collected from the pilot study and write an academic journal based on the … Read more

If viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 are unable to metabolize organic molecules, where do they get the energy to undergo replication?

COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Using your textbook and the resources listed below, answer the following questions regarding COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Centers for Disease Control: COVID-19 World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic In addition to the links provided, include at least two additional sources, one of which must be peer-reviewed, to write a paper that addresses … Read more

How can Japanese governments allocate their money in digital technology to support their communities during COVID 19?

How can Japanese governments allocate their money in digital technology to support their communities during COVID 19? Include: Intro: Introduce the poor digital technology support in Japan during COVID 19 Paragraph 1: The problem of disinformation. Japan should add an agency for Fighting disinformation (EU is working on that) Paragraph 2: Unavailability of technology for … Read more