Draw this situation (handwritten) as an extensive form game. In a first move the landlord decides about y.

Game Theory Consider the following conflict among tenant and landlord about a deposit: When the rental agreement starts, the tenant leaves a deposit x with landlord. On termination of the rental agreement, the landlord returns y. The returned amount y is either the full deposit or a fraction: y ∈ [0, x]. The tenant can accept or refuse … Read more

Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important?

Most current days of working capital (DWC) Select a company of your choice, and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that are available. Review page 656 in the textbook, and watch the short video segment “Working Capital,” which is one of the required unit resources in this unit. In addition to your … Read more

Demand and supply also affect GDP, but in what way does demand and supply affect GDP? Explain

What way does demand and supply affect GDP Work sheet Q1 – Complete the following statement GDP per capita is the real GDP on a per-person basis, it’s usually calculated using the following formula: GDP = Real GDP divided by Q2 – Compare and contrast savings and disposable personal income: Q3 – Nominal GDP does … Read more

Explain the shift this article represents with its focus on government expenditures and the notion that there is an optimal level of government expenditure.

This article reflects a clear change in thinking about the government’s role in the economy. Economics Problem Set 1.) What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates. 2.) Keynes’ theory was not a radical break from Classical Economics like … Read more

use precise economic terminology to discuss the concept of moral hazard and how it is addressed in this article.

MBA 624 Managerial Economics The Wall Street Journal published an article by Bruce P. Brooks and M. Todd Henderson entitled “The FDIC Should Act Like A Real Insurer” (March 29, 2023) that discussed the issue of moral hazard in the recent collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2834785&path=uploads/questions/5741856/20230505005900wsj_on_moral_hazard.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_1 In your own words, use precise … Read more

Discuss the price elasticity of demand for this chosen product to increase total revenue.

Week 7: Interactive activity 7.1 Learning Outcomes Explain the difference between explicit and implicit costs Explain the difference between the short run and the long run Explain the difference between variable and fixed costs Apply the Principle of Diminishing Returns Define economic cost and economic profit Provide examples of production costs. Evaluate a company’s cost … Read more

How does this session relate to the economic concepts we covered from our first exam this semester?

Principles of Microeconomics Assignment: Political Economy Days Description: This assignment will help you synthesize the material we are learning in this course with events occurring outside our classroom (or our virtual space). attend or watch at least one of the Political Economy Days guest lectures. The schedule of events is included under Announcements on our … Read more

What do some fans of Harry Potter feel the must do to still be able to love Harry Potter in the face of what they find problematic about JK Rowling?

What did JK Rowling argued taught her the value of single-sex space Doing 20 multiple choices question. Question 1 (2 points) Saved When it comes to rules, what are the parallels between team sports and the US markets and legal systems? Question 1 options: Rules are universal, transparent, and legitimate Rules can be changed depending … Read more

Discuss the impact of globalization, specialization, and international competition on US economy from different perspectives:

Globalization and US economics Discuss the impact of globalization, specialization, and international competition on US economy from different perspectives: Consumers Job market Big corporation Small business Shareholders and investors Government policy Do you think COVID-19 will reverse the trend of globalization and bring manufacturing jobs back to US?  

Pick any stock market listed company like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc.

What your business is doing that competitors cannot. Business strategy wooing the investors to fund your business model. Write paper on your business strategy wooing the investors to fund your business model. Pick any stock market listed company like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc. You are to write as if you are the owner of the … Read more