Did the government responded sufficiently in order to carry out the duties of its responsibility towards its citizens. Are you satisfied with the federal government’s initial and current response to the pandemic? Explain.

The United States is currently emerging from a pandemic. Did the government responded sufficiently in order to carry out the duties of its responsibility towards its citizens. Are you satisfied with the federal government’s initial and current response to the pandemic? Explain. Formatting: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.

Identify the rationale behind the Federal government’s level of involvement historically. What are the current transportation issues facing New Yorkers ?

Transportation issues Provide an overview of the role of the Federal Government in Transportation Financing . What funding streams are used to finance these projects?  What is the basis for the difference in level of funding between transportation modes ? Identify the rationale behind the Federal government’s level of involvement historically. What are the current … Read more

What are the current transportation issues facing New Yorkers? How will the current economic crisis affect these revenues? What additional issues do you foresee in the future?

Federal Government in Transportation Financing Please provide an overview of the role of the Federal Government in Transportation Financing . What funding streams are used to finance these projects?  What is the basis for the difference in level of funding between transportation modes ? Identify the rationale behind the Federal government’s level of involvement historically. … Read more

What are the differences between what the Federal government can do, and what the states and localities can do? What are the implications?

TAX = EXP.  Study the State and Local finance as inherently different from the issues addressed by Federal Government in their respective budgets. Discuss how States and localities will manage through the crisis is dependent upon their prior fiscal choices. What are the differences between what the Federal government can do, and what the states … Read more

Discuss how the study of State and Local finance is inherently different from the issues addressed by Federal Government in their respective budgets.

States and localities Discuss how the study of State and Local finance is inherently different from the issues addressed by Federal Government in their respective budgets. Explain how States and localities will manage through this crisis is dependent upon their prior fiscal choices. What are the differences between what the Federal government can do, and … Read more

To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes?

Commerce Clause To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes? Use at least three of the following cases in your paper: U.S. v. E.C.Knight, Hammer v. Dagenhart, NLRB v. Jones ; Laughlin Steel, Heart of Atlanta v. U.S., U.S. v. Lopez,Gonzales v. Raich.

The Freedom Convoy : Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach best explains this event? What are the limitations of each approach? Ultimately, what is the most appropriate response, if any, to the protest on the part of the federal government?

The Freedom Convoy In January 2022, thousands of protestors dubbed “The Freedom Convoy” descended upon Ottawa to protest all Covid-19 restrictions. Thousands of truck trailers shut down the city core. How are we to characterize this group of protestors? Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach … Read more

Community and Business Sector Partners: how much of a responsibility for preparedness rests with the individual?with the community?with the local, state, and/or federal government?

Community and Business Sector Partners •How much of a responsibility for preparedness rests with the individual? With the community? With the local, state, and/or federal government? •As an emergency coordinator, how would you recruit and involve community and business sector partners in preparedness and response programs and activities?

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?state the topic.

•What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise? •Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users  from the Federal government down to state and local agencies ? … Read more