Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health.

The topic for this research paper was more of a free write, I decided to Focus on the topic of social media, and how it can effect people especially children’s mental health. There isn’t a wrong way to write this paper, my professor let my class and I choose any topic we wish to focus … Read more

How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic?

1.If you were summarizing the information you have learned about the selected topic to someone not familiar with this topic, what would be the most important elements that you would share? 2. How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic? 3. In regards to the topic you selected, what do … Read more

What Happens in Your Brain When You Taste Food?

Listen: Camilla Arndal Andersen: “What Happens in Your Brain When You Taste Food | TED Talk (Links to an external site.) (13.43 mins.). Camilla Arndal Andersen’s Listen to TED Talk, and evaluate if she communicates her central ideas with conviction and credibility. What adds to or detracts from her authority? Is she persuasive or not? Give specific examples … Read more

Research some criminal cases that resulted in the death penalty. Write an essay using these accounts to support your arguments either for or against the death penalty.

Directions: Choose one of the following topics and/or form your own topic (must be able to debate it) to create a well-developed argumentative essay supporting your point. An infamous 1998 medical journal report by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose research sparked international concern claiming that the MMR vaccine caused autism. Although Wakefield retracted his statement, which … Read more

Investigate the chain of events that led to the success or failure of a new product or service.

Analyzing causes and effects is something we do all of the time. At school, we may be asked to analyze the effect on society of a technological innovation. In our personal lives, we might want to find out the cause of why we gained or lost weight. At work, we might investigate the chain of … Read more

Argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective.

You will be writing an argument essay using Letter from a Birmingham Jail. You will argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective. You may approach your claim any way you choose. (i.e., you can examine its impact at the time it was written, at the … Read more

Create an outline for your research paper using your newly created thesis statement

Step VII: Creating a Research Paper Outline Start Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload Available Mar 18 at 12am – Apr 11 at 11:59pm 25 days Over the past several months, you have narrowed your topic for your final project this semester: a five-to-seven-page research essay. You initially chose five possible topics for … Read more