Create an outline for your research paper using your newly created thesis statement

Step VII: Creating a Research Paper Outline
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Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 10
Submitting a file upload
Available Mar 18 at 12am – Apr 11 at 11:59pm 25 days
Over the past several months, you have narrowed your topic for your final project this semester: a five-to-seven-page research essay. You initially chose five possible topics for your essay, then you narrowed your search to one topic with three possible subtopics, you arrived at a preliminary research question, you pulled 10 research sources that could possibly aid you in writing your essay, you compiled an annotated bibliography (a Works Cited with liner notes) and you formulated your thesis statement.
This week you will create an outline for your research paper using your newly created thesis statement.
Before you complete this assignment:
Please read “Research Paper Outline (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)” by Courtney Gahan.
Then, do the following:
1) Follow the research outline example provided by Courtney Gahan to create an outline for your coming research paper. Use headings and subheadings. The only change is that I also want you to include your full thesis in your introductory outline to help me better understand your outline.
2) Next week, I will have you begin connecting your research information with the headings and subheadings, so keep that in mind as you create your structure.
Use MS Word or another Open Source Word Processing program to upload your work to Web Campus.
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