How changes in physical development effect cognitive processing and decision-making.

Address the following in your newsletter: Trends in understanding puberty over the last 100 years and reasons for these trends. The effect of early and late onset puberty on adolescent physical development and social/emotional relationships with peers. How changes in physical development effect cognitive processing and decision-making. The current role of technology on students’ sense … Read more

Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint.

Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint. Please go through the presentation, making sure to watch each of the clips that are embedded into the PowerPoint and then enter your journal response to the posted journal reflection questions. PowerPoint: Below is a PowerPoint that has five embedded video clips. The … Read more

Identify all five elements of Burke’s Dramatist Pentad: Act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose.

Watch an entire episode of your favorite sitcom. With this episode, apply Burke’s Dramatist to determine the motive of speakers. Take one scene and identify all five elements of Burke’s Dramatist Pentad: Act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. Explain. Using the pentad, determine why the speaker selected rhetorical strategy to identify with the audience. (The … Read more

Research some criminal cases that resulted in the death penalty. Write an essay using these accounts to support your arguments either for or against the death penalty.

Directions: Choose one of the following topics and/or form your own topic (must be able to debate it) to create a well-developed argumentative essay supporting your point. An infamous 1998 medical journal report by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose research sparked international concern claiming that the MMR vaccine caused autism. Although Wakefield retracted his statement, which … Read more

Describe the procedures you will use to conduct your study including interviewing some people who work in the section.

For CJ300, the student will analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency. The focus of the analysis is to examine the manner in which the section/bureau/division influences agency operations. Examples include Human Resources Section, Records Division, Office of Legal Affairs, Internal Affairs and/or Professional Standards, Labor Relations Office, Budget Section for … Read more

Based on your research of the country and situation of the population, develop three recommendations to the problems.

The research paper should be in 11-point Calibri font, double spaced. Focus the paper on one country as a case study and choose an audience for the paper. An audience can be a UN agency, an international or domestic NGO, or government. Based on your research of the country and situation of the population, develop … Read more

Electronic commerce:Are streaming services entitled to limit their users?

Electronic commerce: the legality of streaming services and sharing them with other users. An analysis on streaming services like Netflix limiting people from sharing accounts and whether the user should have the freedom to use his/her account as they wish (share it). Are streaming services entitled to limit their users?