Identify all five elements of Burke’s Dramatist Pentad: Act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose.

Watch an entire episode of your favorite sitcom. With this episode, apply Burke’s Dramatist to determine the motive of speakers.
Take one scene and identify all five elements of Burke’s Dramatist Pentad: Act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose. Explain.
Using the pentad, determine why the speaker selected rhetorical strategy to identify with the audience. (The audience would be the receiver of his or her message). In other words can you identify the speaker’s primary motive within this scene? Explain.
What might be any underlying guilt that prompted this speaker to use either mortification or victimize? What did he or she do or say that helped you determine this? Explain.
After completing the three parts above, make an assessment as to how valid you think Burke’s Dramatist is in determining one’s motive in communication.
This assignment should be 2-4 pages in length and written using APA formatting. Please use complete sentences and utilize outside sources when necessary. Once completed, please submit by clicking the Session 2 Speakers’ Primary Motives Activity link by the posted due date. View the rubric in Due Dates and Grades for additional grading criteria.