civil rights : Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it.

Civil rights Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which … Read more

Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout?

Choose  one question from the following: Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, (ie. SuperPacs, 527 committees etc.), … Read more

Columbus Day : Should Columbus Day continue to be celebrate as a national holiday in the United States or should it be abandoned , or replace it with a more appropriate holiday? Explain.

Columbus Day Should Columbus Day continue to be celebrate as a national holiday in the United States or should it be abandoned , or replace it with a more appropriate holiday? Explain. Your essay should: Revolve around a clear argument that makes a single arguable claim that takes a stand about the importance of celebrating … Read more

How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?

Write one 5-7 page essay, choosing one of the five questions below. Pages refer to typed, double-spaced pages (about 300 words per page). How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”? How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective? Have Americans found … Read more

Write a sourced argument on the significance and influence of the 13th amendment as it relates to our penal system in the United States.

Write a sourced argument on the significance and influence of the 13th amendment as it relates to our penal system in the United States. Incorporate quotes/citations from at least four external resources . You can also use the documentaries we have watched throughout the term to cite from as well. All citations should be according … Read more

Discuss the differences in the public education systems of the United States and Finland and why Finland has been outperforming the United States in terms of public education.

Public Education in the United States and FInalnd Discuss the differences in the public education systems of the United States and Finland and why Finland has been outperforming the United States in terms of public education.

Narcissistic abuse in the United States: How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally and physically?

Narcissistic abuse in the United States. I. How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally? Individuals who suffer from Narcissism or sociopathy tend to talk to their victims using gaslighting. A. Specific quotation from X source B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience II. How can this type of abuse affect … Read more

The American Civil War divided the United States into two regions with distinct cultures, values, economies, and politics. Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war.

The American Civil War divided the United States into two regions with distinct cultures, values, economies, and politics. Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war. Be sure to focus on: (a) sectionalism; (b) state’s rights; and (c) slavery Length: at least four (4) pages; excludes the … Read more

Outline the basic concepts in family sociology.Include marriage partnerships as well as the patterns of residence.

Please answer 3 of 5 questions in essay format. Each question should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format, preferably in a MS Word document. Think of each answer as a short paper that is 250 to 500 words in length (3 to 4 pages). Each answered question is worth up to 25 points. Please … Read more