Consider what you have learned about the sociological imagination. Choose one of the following topics: war, unemployment, divorce, or poverty and provide an example of a public issue and a private trouble associated with the topic. Describe how the two influence each other.

Sociology Consider what you have learned about the sociological imagination. Choose one of the following topics: war, unemployment, divorce, or poverty and provide an example of a public issue and a private trouble associated with the topic. Describe how the two influence each other. What characteristics are sociologists looking at when they refer to an … Read more

What do you believe about education? What you believe about teaching and learning,Curriculum development,Assessment,Child development,Social and emotional development and other aspects of education?

Education What do you believe about education? What you believe about teaching and learning,Curriculum development,Assessment,Child development,Social and emotional development and other aspects of education? When you write your paper, state your beliefs and then support them with research. Use APA (7th ed.) formatting for your citations and your reference list. Your paper needs to be … Read more

Romeo and Juliet are referred to as “star-cross’d lovers.” What is most responsible for the outcome of the play: destiny or the characters’ actions?

Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet are referred to as “star-cross’d lovers.” What is most responsible for the outcome of the play: destiny or the characters’ actions? As punishment, Romeo is banished from Verona. Is this punishment fair? Do their parents have the right to keep Romeo and Juliet apart?

What are the clues that lead the women in “Trifles” to discover the murder and its motive?

The Blizzard 1. Relying on Freytag’s pyramid (p. 851), outline the plot structure of Glaspell’s “Trifles,” and Ives’ “The Blizzard.” 2. What are the clues that lead the women in “Trifles” to discover the murder and its motive? 3. Why do the men fail to see the clues that Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover? … Read more

Using the evidence you gathered from the virtual path,discuss evolution in the dinosaur and bird clades.

Virtual museum visit Evolution in the dinosaur and bird clades Go to and launch the interactive video. As you are watching the video you will need to complete the assessment questions along the way to proceed. Watch the entire video. Think about the evolutionary steps needed to separate a flying, endothermic avian from scaled, … Read more

To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes?

Commerce Clause To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes? Use at least three of the following cases in your paper: U.S. v. E.C.Knight, Hammer v. Dagenhart, NLRB v. Jones ; Laughlin Steel, Heart of Atlanta v. U.S., U.S. v. Lopez,Gonzales v. Raich.

In the United States, will fully automated, driverless cars be beneficial or dangerous?Discuss.

Automated drivers In the United States, will fully automated, driverless cars be beneficial or dangerous?Discuss. You are required to include an APA cover page for the Annotated Bibliography, use 1” margins, double spacing and page numbers per APA, and use a 12pt. serif typeface.

Read the following articles on Vietnam War and write down 500 paper on what you think of those two articles.

Vietnam War Read the following articles on Vietnam War and write down 500 paper on what you think of those two articles. Requirement: Read and quot by Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro, Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong by Tim Brien, one of the best to write fiction about the Vietnam War. Both stories are … Read more