What estimating techniques should be used for a mission-critical project such as this?

Read the Case-5.1 “Sharp Printing, AG.”from Chapter 5 “Estimating Project Times and Costs” given in your textbook  Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 163 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the following questions. Case study questions: At this … Read more

Discuss why this periodization method is appropriate for the sport you chose.

Case Study: Pick a sport or physical event. -Analyze the contribution from each of the three energy pathways; analyze the specific movement patterns and performance-related skills used in the sport. -Pick a periodization scheme (i.e. block periodization, reverse linear, concurrent, etc.). Discuss why this periodization method is appropriate for the sport you chose. -Design a … Read more

Read the articles below and write an informative 2-page essay about the potential risks associated with spreadsheet

Accountant information sys. Risks Inherent in Spreadsheets. As part of your AOL assignment discuss the risks associated with spreadsheets. Read the articles below and write an informative 2-page essay about the potential risks associated with spreadsheets: Spreadsheet horror stories: https://handsontable.com/blog/articles/2020/10/spreadsheet-horror- stories 5 of the most terrifying Excel spreadsheet horror stories we’ve ever heard: https://www.caspio.com/blog/5-of-the-most-terrifying-excel-spreadsheet-horror-stories-weve-ever- heard/ … Read more

Discuss when and how followers of the Buddha would benefit from having stronger leadership

Discuss when Followers of the Buddha benefit from strong leadership and hands-off approach. We have seen diverse examples of both the problems and potentials of leadership within the Buddhist tradition. On the one hand, strong structures of Buddhist leadership have led to problems such as sex scandals within the sangha, the imposition of patriarchal systems … Read more

Which of the ideas will you choose to recommend to the Board?

Assess each of your ideas for an impact that goes beyond profitability, by taking the mission forward JWI 581 week 5 discussion question After analyzing the data, you have some ideas for strategic action to address the problem or opportunity in the healthcare organization you chose for your Capstone project. Let’s dig deeper into the … Read more

Who would you pick, what is one question you would ask them and why is this question important for our understanding of Roman history?

Briefly (but accurately) describe or summarize your source Ancient Rome Final question Source Analysis (20 points) Pick ONE of the options below and answer the questions that follow it. Option 1: Relief showing Julia Domna crowning Caracalla Note: The original findspot is unknown (possibly Syria—it is definitely not an official imperial monument but a piece … Read more

Which position could possibly have zero electric field?

They could all have zero electric field Electric Fields 1) The two objects shown are both positively charged. Which position could possibly have zero electric field? – A – B – C – D – They could all have zero electric field 2) What were the two most important forces that Milikan worked with in … Read more

Develop a voiceover PowerPoint presentation to share with their course mates.

Discussion: Video Presentation: Cultural Immersion Experience Assignment Instructions The Cultural Immersion Experience Video Presentation allows the students to consider multicultural trends found in a particular diverse cultural group of the United States and to begin comparing/contrasting their own cultural experience with that of this other group.  Through the actual experience of what it is like … Read more

Define the region and each municipality involved, include brief stats on where you understand the region/province to be heading in response to climate change what does the future look like

Introduction on New Brunswick Define the region and each municipality involved, include brief stats on where you understand the region/province to be heading in response to climate change what does the future look like? Why the need for action? What are the specific threats? Why must the response and adaptation speed up with new initiatives … Read more

Discuss two or three scenes that create the inspirational quality of the movie.

Movie Evaluation Your assignment is to write a 1,000-word analytical movie evaluation over a movie on the AFI’s Top 100 Inspirational Films. In the introduction, provide the production facts of the movie, such as when it was produced; producer & director; major actors; awards; financial success; screenwriter. Document the source of this information with an … Read more