Discuss the history of the Canadian Flag and the controversy of replacing the old one . Insert historical pictures/videos and discuss why you put them in. Mention that the plaque will be on parliament hill.

Canadian Flag. Discuss the history of the Canadian Flag and the controversy of replacing the old one . Insert historical pictures/videos and discuss why you put them in. Mention that the plaque will be on parliament hill. Justify the choice of your illustrations and where your plaque will be located.

Present a 2-3 page report on methods the company can use to prevent and help plan for a potential crisis that may erupt.

Scenario. You have been hired as an advisor to a CEO and her small company that hasproduced a health care product that has the potential to cause controversy with the media and other competitive stakeholders. Present a 2-3 page report on methods the company can use to prevent and help plan for a potential crisis … Read more

Research necessary and present the salient facts surrounding the controversy of raising the minimum wage in the United States (currently $7.25) to a level of $15.

Minimum Wage Research necessary and present the salient facts surrounding the controversy of raising the minimum wage in the United States (currently $7.25) to a level of $15. You are to present your findings in the following order: 1) Clearly state the issue and briefly describe the most important factors to be examined in this … Read more

Forensic psychology : Describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance.

Forensic psychology Describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance. Address the following: Identify the relevant research on each side of the controversy. Evaluate and reflect on the findings. Identify a personal, educated stance on the topic, and then support it with relevant research. Discuss the legal and psychological … Read more

Produce a 1-2-page handout covering the social worker’s background, accomplishments, challenges, and contributions to the field of social work.

Research a famous social worker or social justice activist in American history. This person does not have to have a formal degree as a social worker, however, should embody the social work ethics and values in their social justice work. Produce a 1-2-page handout covering the social worker’s background, accomplishments, challenges, and contributions to the … Read more

Measure for psychopathy is the PCL-R: provide your opinion about the measure and if you would use it for forensic cases, specifying which cases.

Measure for psychopathy is the PCL-R The most utilized measure for psychopathy is the PCL-R but not without its controversy. Find one or more article(s) that discuss the utilization of the PCL-R. Outline the points of the article and if the article discusses any caution about using the PCL-R and if applicable, what those cautions … Read more

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.

Controversy Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders: Narcissistic personality disorder Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment. Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. In 2–3 pages: Explain the … Read more

Define the key terms in the issue (for example, “homelessness” or “freedom” are terms that must be specifically defined within the context of your paper.

The goal of the Researched Argument is to conduct research and write an academic argument based on an issue that matters to you within the theme of our course: “(higher) education, civic engagement, and democracy”. That issue should arise from a community to which you belong, and, ideally, your essay should allow you to contribute … Read more