Compare Frederick Douglass’ experience learning to read to your own. What similarities exist between the experiences?

Compare Frederick Douglass’ experience learning to read to your own. What similarities exist between the experiences? How was your experience different? Which of the two of you valued the experience more? In what way might Douglass’ experience be superior? Do you remember wanting to learn to read and write or is your memory more aligned … Read more

Write a short (2-3 page double-spaced) Aristotelian rhetorical analysis of a political ad of your choice.

Aristotelian Analysis Paper A very long time ago, the Ancient Greeks realized that being able to persuade others is a key to organized society. Leaders must rally others to their cause, and lawmakers much reach consensus. As one of the first democracies, this was especially paramount in ancient Greece where politicians needed to win over … Read more

What are some of the causes, parts, or effects of the problem that you think you want to focus on in your research paper?

The Digital Journal has two purposes, which are to help you: develop a regular writing practice, by writing at least 250 words each week; and start/continue doing some exploratory free writing that you might be able to use for your next essay assignment, the Problem Solution Research Essay. You should have previewed the instructions for … Read more

Post one thread of at least 300–400 words.

Discussion Assignment Instructions Overview The discussion assignments are meant to foster a spirit of community and collegiality; but you must also view these as academic assignments with formal requirements. To this end, please follow these guidelines: Your posts must demonstrate comprehension of the assigned readings. In your threads for all discussions, you must refer specifically—through … Read more

Research and analyze a problem you find in a community you belong to, or a problem that affects family, friends, or locals in your community.

Problem-Solution Option: For this option, Research and analyze a problem you find in a community you belong to, or a problem that affects family, friends, or locals in your community. Research should include establishing that a problem exists, arguing solutions, and refuting counterarguments and any opposing perspectives. For my Capstone I chose the Problem-Solution Option … Read more

Provide a position—where do you stand? And provide a rationale—why is your focus important?

This is a traditional literary analysis essay, though slightly longer and requiring you to consult scholarship. For this paper, you should come up with a thesis and evidence from Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut to write an analytical argument. You can base this argument on anything you have found especially compelling in the reading. For … Read more

Define the key terms in the issue (for example, “homelessness” or “freedom” are terms that must be specifically defined within the context of your paper.

The goal of the Researched Argument is to conduct research and write an academic argument based on an issue that matters to you within the theme of our course: “(higher) education, civic engagement, and democracy”. That issue should arise from a community to which you belong, and, ideally, your essay should allow you to contribute … Read more

Analyze how the actors or the characters themselves enhance or detract from the production.Symbols: Explain what the symbols are and how their usage affects the overall production.

Writing Assignment: Media Analysis You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to the … Read more