Research and analyze a problem you find in a community you belong to, or a problem that affects family, friends, or locals in your community.

Problem-Solution Option:
For this option, Research and analyze a problem you find in a community you belong to, or a problem that affects family, friends, or locals in your community. Research should include establishing that a problem exists, arguing solutions, and refuting counterarguments and any opposing perspectives.

For my Capstone I chose the Problem-Solution Option and want to dive into the topic of drug addiction in our community (Pueblo, Colorado) and opposing ideas on how to combat it. This will include discussions on minorities being overly affected by drug laws, the prospects of needle exchanges within communities as well as the idea to just decriminalize all drugs as they have in Oregon this past election. I may need to research various studies that go into addiction rates in Colorado communities to see statistics on usage, incarceration rate, drug overdoses, etc.