Calculate the growth rate of nominal GDP between 2002 and 2020. You may use the formula 100 x

3:19 LTE * Exam 1 205 spring 21 revised.docx ECO 205 Spring 2021 Please show and explain your work 1. (20 points) GDP Nominal GDP Deflator Year (trillions 5) (base year 2005) 2020 $15 2002 $10 92 a. Calculate the growth rate of nominal GDP between 2002 and 2020. You may use the formula 100 … Read more

Analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the reference article for your selected study.

  In this worksheet activity, you will need to analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the reference article for your selected study. This reference article will be a similar study in some way to the one you chose for your Primary Article … Read more

Design a Rule base, textbook, page 339, Hands-on Project 9-4, include the network design via MS-Vision.

This lab focuses on the thinking steps involved with rule base design and rule base improvements. Microsoft Excel must be used to provide your final documentation. No report is needed, just a Microsoft Excel. Please use the following project instructions from your textbook to guide your lab experience. Design a Rule base, textbook, page 339, … Read more

Find moment generating function for the random variableY1(b) (2 points) Find the moment generating function for W=Y1+Y2+…+Yn(c) (3 points)T1= 1− ̄Yis an unbiased estimator of p? Find the MSE ofT1(d) (3 points) Construct an approximated two-sided (1−α) confidence interval for p.

Midterm 1, STAT 3445 — Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II,Spring 2021The exam is designed to be finished in 3 hours. There are 50 points in total. The exam should be done individually and similar solutions will be penalized with a final grade of ”zero”. The problems are not necessarily in the order of difficulty level. … Read more

Choose and restate one of the problems identified as you understand it and explain why it is a problem.

Troubleshooting and Tool Report [Insert name] Network Problem Selected Choose and restate one of the problems identified as you understand it and explain why it is a problem. Troubleshooting Steps List the steps in the Network+ troubleshooting methodology. Tool and Description Name and provide a brief overview of the tool that could solve this problem … Read more

Observe an infant/child in his or her naturalistic setting, apply relevant theoretical concepts learned in class, and critique the theory or theories from which you obtained concepts.

**Note that the description says to observe a child however attacked in the uploaded files with be YouTube videos from a daycare that can be watched. I will also include the links here as well.** This is directly from the professor: This assignment affords you the opportunity to observe an infant/child in his or her … Read more

Describe how the brand touch points for Sephora provide emotional, self-expressive, and social benefits. Be specific, and be sure to not combine these 3 benefits into 1—discuss each in turn

How Sephora Creates Beauty Across Brand Touch points Sephora, a premium cosmetics retailer, has earned tremendous loyalty by extending their brand across what its customers value—all things beauty. The company understands that its customers want to enjoy and experience their passion for beauty in different ways, and it uses several brand touch points to enable … Read more

Write a research paper, regarding a health topic.

Students are to write a research paper, regarding a health topic of their choosing. Students can choose any disease or disorder. Examples could include Heart Failure, Diabetes, Asthma, Ebola, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. This paper should fully explain the health topic to the reader. Paper must include introduction, detailed information about the disease or disorder. … Read more

Discuss what interests you about the two organizations. Your discussion must include: points of curiosity that led you to select each business for this Inquiry Rationale Paper

Career and Business Inquiry Rationale (50 points): Students will select two businesses to research. The businesses should be organizations which you have an interest or desire to work for. You will conduct internet-based research to collect initial information and data about the businesses to develop company profiles. In addition, you will identify roles/areas of focus … Read more

Identify the relevant business cycles that are related in accounting. Include a brief description of each business cycle. For the revenue cycle, include the following audit objectives that you feel are the most relevant and that you will use in accordance with management assertions:

Identify the relevant business cycles that are related in accounting. Include a brief description of each business cycle. For the revenue cycle, include the following audit objectives that you feel are the most relevant and that you will use in accordance with management assertions: Existence Completeness Accuracy or valuation Rights and obligations Presentation and disclosure