Discuss what interests you about the two organizations. Your discussion must include: points of curiosity that led you to select each business for this Inquiry Rationale Paper

Career and Business Inquiry Rationale (50 points): Students will select two businesses to research. The businesses should be organizations which you have an interest or desire to work for. You will conduct internet-based research to collect initial information and data about the businesses to develop company profiles. In addition, you will identify roles/areas of focus (i.e., positions) within each company that may be of interest to you.
The written assignment for this first graded paper must include the following:

An overview of the two businesses you chose to focus on. The overview for each business must include:
a profile of each business’ respective products and services.
the business ownership structure for each organization (e.g. partnership, sole proprietorship, conventional corporation, S corporation, limited liability corporation, non-profit (501c3), etc.). Review pages 112 – 124 of the course text to learn more about Business ownership structures.
three interesting pieces of business related information and data you discovered during your internet-based research for each organization.
Discuss what interests you about the two organizations. Your discussion must include:
points of curiosity that led you to select each business for this Inquiry Rationale Paper.
a description of the role/area—in other words career field or position(s)—within each business that you desire to learn more about.
a statement explaining what makes you interested in fulfilling the role/area for each organization.
a discussion of how the degree or certificate you are pursuing through CPCC qualifies you to—or will help you to—achieve such a role/area within the two businesses.
a discussion of additional information you would want to know to help decide whether the role(s)/area(s) is a good or viable career option for you?
Paper Structure and Submission Requirements

1 Cover Page that contains the following:
The title of the assignment: SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT: Career and Business Inquiry Rationale
Your first and last name
The name of this course: BUS 110 – Introduction to Business
1 – 2 pages for the body of the paper. Work must be double spaced and use Arial size 12 font. Paragraphs serve a purpose, so use multiple and meaningful paragraphs. Do not submit your work as one or two massively large paragraphs.
1 References page with all sources cited using APA format. Students must use 3 sources at a minimum. Wikipedia and wiki-based sources are not permissible. Any student who uses Wikipedia or a wiki-based source will receive a failing grade for this assignment.