Cancer: compare the genetic and molecular basis of cancer among children compared to adults.

Cancer Compare the genetic and molecular basis of cancer among children compared to adults. What are some common causes of cancer among children? How do these causes differ from causes of cancer in adults? How does the SEER program help to reduce cancer in the United States? Include recommendations for genetic assessment and screening. Briefly … Read more

Construct an argumentative response  to the essential question: to what extent has the United States lived up to the founding ideals outlined in the declaration of independence?

Construct an argumentative response  to the essential question:To What extent has the United States lived up to the founding ideals outlined in the Declaration of Independence? (4-5 paragraph essay) Use the format below to guide the structure of your essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction and thesis statement (Basically answer the question, “Has the United States lived … Read more

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ?

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ? Your answer should be based on the readings below and your own research. . Write a minimum of 1200 words, but no more than 2000 words. Write an introduction, describing and explaining income and wealth inequality in the United States. Describe what impact wealth and … Read more

Sentencing Reform Act: what was the purpose of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984

Sentencing Reform Act What was the purpose of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984? What is the relationship between sentencing reform Act of 1984 and the idea of prison as a vehicle for criminal rehabilitation? What is the United States Sentencing Commission, and what is its role? What role does a Forensic Psychologist play in … Read more

Discuss which actions should be taken first. Identify the community partners that will help with your campaign.

Vignette: You are completing a clinical rotation in a small community agency that provides services to pregnant women or women with children under the age of 3. This agency is located in an urban area of the southern United States. The racial composition of the community is 78.1% white, 9.6% African American, 8.0% Hispanic, 0.3% … Read more

What is the basis for some of the Alaskan Native beliefs as the causes of illness?

What is the basis for some of the Alaskan Native beliefs as the causes of illness? 1) Provide an overview of the social and economic circumstances of American and Alaskan Native populations in the United States. 2) Provide an overview of  Indian and Alaskan Native beliefs about the causes of illness.3) Describe at least three … Read more

National security: write a legal explainer memorandum, assuming an audience of lawyers and non-lawyers alike, that addresses the following question.:

National security On January 2, 2020 the United States killed Major General Qassim Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, by a drone missile strike. Write a legal explainer memorandum, assuming an audience of lawyers and non-lawyers alike, that addresses the following questions: Was this action legal under U.S. domestic … Read more

Describe the role that planning, administration, legislation, and regulations play in the delivery of healthcare services in both the United States and Denmark.

Describe the role that planning, administration, legislation, and regulations play in the delivery of healthcare services in both the United States and Denmark. This is to be a comparative essay type of discussion post. Discussion should be at least 300 words minimum. You will need to support your findings with at least one scholarly resource … Read more