How could an organization use social media like Facebook, Twitter and the like, to promote ethical behavior and communicate the organization’s values

Explain Third-Party Interventions and provide an example MGT Questions Click on the following link to read about communities of practice, how they support the organization and different types of communities. (Question): How communities of practice support organizations? Which type of community is best for the organization you work in? Watch the short video in … Read more

Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, design, conduct, and provide a report about a small-scale research project undertaken using digital methods.

WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool. Word Length:  3,000 words, excluding references. Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, design, conduct, and provide a report about a small-scale research project undertaken using digital methods.

Identify and fairly represent at least three stakeholders in a conversation carefully analyzing the chronological developments of the conversation or some other pattern you have observed in the conversation on Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter .

Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter Analysis. Identify and fairly represent at least three stakeholders in a conversation carefully analyzing the chronological developments of the conversation or some other pattern you have observed in the conversation on Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter .

Text analytics for business : Using the New York Times AI dataset along with any other that you may have identified on Twitter, identify five compelling text analytics narratives that can inform Tesla policy in successfully introducing commercial humanoid robots to the marketplace.

Text analytics for business 1. Using the New York Times AI data set along with any other that you may have identified on Twitter, identify five compelling text analytics narratives that can inform Tesla policy in successfully introducing commercial humanoid robots to the marketplace. 2. Present your results in a 2,500 report that contains: a. … Read more

Think about the influence of social media platforms such as facebook and you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements?how so or why not?

Watch the video: How online social movements translate to offline results – Answer the following question: Think about the influence of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Do you agree with the speaker in the video that algorithmic censorship can influence social movements? How so or why not?