How does it relate to Stepping Off the Relationship escalator?

What is the romance myth and summarize Professor Essig’s argument Journal Question: As you prepare to end this course with this final journal, reflect on and summarize the key lessons in this unit. Make sure you include evidence that you read the lecture notes and readings. Answer this question: What is the romance myth and … Read more

How were the speaker’s gestures and body movements?

Were the auditory aspects of delivery (volume, rate, articulation, tone, fluency) effective EXTRA Credit Speech Option 2- Theory Paper This option has you take a closer look at a communication theory. Select one of the theories from the list below, look up some background information about that theory, and then write a brief paper. The … Read more

Discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with

Discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with. Draw on relevant theory, and use Johnson & Scholes ”cultural web” to comprehensively and critically discuss the prevailing culture at your employer organization or an organization that you are familiar with. Your answer must integrate both relevant theory and … Read more

Provide an analysis of social change regarding the issues presented in the book and consider how critical race theory should play a role in that change.

Provide a personal reflection of your thoughts on the book. Writing Question Read the book Inventing Latinos and write a theory analysis and application essay that addresses the following: • Summarize the book Inventing Latinos. • Analyze how critical race theory is used/not used/applied in the book. • Choose at least 5 examples of critical … Read more

Develop a 2- to 3-page local guide in the form of a flyer, poster, pamphlet, or newsletter.

Choose 1 sociological theory to interpret the connection between substance use issues and crime. Deviance Prevention Guide Assignment Content Sociological research can be used to provide information to inform communities about human behaviors in their neighborhood. Citizens can then use that information to understand and develop actions to take which could impact the quality of … Read more

Describe a real-life situation and apply the theory to the real-life situation.

Thoroughly explain your chosen theory. Describe a real-life situation and apply the theory to the real-life situation. Use the theory to analyze the real-life situation and defend your analysis. Include a reference page listing all the sources you used. The minimum page limit for this writing is three pages, excluding the references page(s). Use … Read more

Are there elements of the message or media that would make this a wrong choice for children int he target age group?

How might parents or teachers use this media in interacting with children Assess media sources directed at children. Either a children’s show or other forms of media. Focus on how children are portrayed, how children’s issues are addressed, or how the media is designed to appeal to or influence children. If there is a teaching … Read more

Explain the various stages of problem-solving process with suitable examples.

MGT425-Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Assignment Questions: (Marks 15) Read the above case study and answer the following Questions: Question 1: Explain the role of rational and intuitive cognition in the theory and practice of management. (250-300 words) (3-Marks). Question 2: Discuss that the decision-making process takes place in conditions of permanent uncertainty under the pressure of … Read more

Write a section in which you use the theory or principle to either understand or solve the problem (~1 page).

Draw on any theory or principle discussed in class, or in your course readings. Social Psychology (PSYC 332) This third application paper follows the same format as the first two, but choose a different problem, and a different social psychological theory. Your assignment is to write a short (~3 pages, or 900 words) APA-style paper … Read more

Discuss the inadequacy of the management theory in relation to problems faced by management practitioners in the decision-making process.

What is your learning from this study and how it is beneficial for you MGT425-Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Assignment Questions: (Marks 15) Read the above case study and answer the following Questions: Question 1: Explain the role of rational and intuitive cognition in the theory and practice of management. (250-300 words) (3-Marks). Question 2: Discuss that … Read more