Pick a country of your choice ,examine and explain its criminal justice system.

International Criminal Justice. Pick a country of your choice ,examine and explain its criminal justice system. Should have at least 3-5 resources outside of your textbook. Paper requirements: · APA format (use in-text citation) · 3-4 pages double spaced 12-point Times New Romans Font · Uses at least 3-5 references outside of the textbook.  

Compare and contrast the three major theoretical foundations of sociology, citing at least one theorist for each: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

Sociology Short essay response. At least five paragraphs. (40 points) Compare and contrast the three major theoretical foundations of sociology, citing at least one theorist for each: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Which one do you think is most useful in understanding the social world (particularly your research topic) and why?

Social Theory: Provide a brief summary of your understanding of symbolic interactionism, analyzing, in turn, the three premises of this theoretical position as articulated by Herbert Blumer.

Social Theory Provide a brief summary of your understanding of symbolic interactionism, analyzing, in turn, the three premises of this theoretical position as articulated by Herbert Blumer. Connect this to Goffman’s dramaturgical approach; How do the roles, scripts, costumes, and impression management that we use reflect a form of symbolic  interaction. Give an example of … Read more

CR: what is the importance of theories and theorizing in the field of sociology?

CR There are multiple theories, theorists, and perspectives that are important in the field of sociology. Three of the most important sociological theories are (1) Structural Functionalism, (2) Conflict Theory, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism. In this CR, choose two from these three that appeal to your interests and consider the following questions: What is the … Read more

What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?explain

Identify and explain  a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) or written review. Your pro Interactionismject must substantially fulfill the following requirements: Give a background … Read more

Pandemic Paradigms: discuss the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus

Pandemic Paradigms For this project you will be applying and discussing the three major sociological theories as related to pandemics, and more specifically the Covid-19/Corona Virus. As you will see, the three major sociological paradigms offer much to understanding different aspects of any “natural disaster”. Identifying and using these three major sociological theories :structural functionalism, … Read more