What policy recommendations would you make that might encourage families to have children?

Read the provided article and thoroughly address the following questions and submit in a Word document Answer the following questions based on article This article examines the post-covid fertility rates in the U.S. It demonstrates how fertility, immigration, mortality, and the economy are intricately intertwined. Read the provided article and thoroughly address the following questions … Read more

Discuss two Supreme Court cases, provided details on results of the case and the reasoning of the justices.

Presidential Emergency Powers. Discuss  Historical Emergencies in American History and give a description of three historical instances and political push back constitutionality of presidential emergency actions. Discuss two Supreme Court cases, provided details on results of the case and the reasoning of the justices. Writing Style APA . The entire document should be double-spaced on … Read more

How does the Supreme Court interact with the other 2 U.S. government branches? Consider the concept of checks and balances.

U.S. Supreme Court Research and respond to the following 5  questions. Use academically appropriate websites for your research, and cite your sources. Each response should include at least 50 words, and you are encouraged to incorporate this week’s vocabulary terms into your responses. How was the Supreme Court formed?What powers are granted to the Supreme … Read more

The memoir : Choose one of the following ,reflect on your experiences and create a narrative about the topic you have choosen.

The memoir Choose one of the following ,reflect on your experiences and create a narrative about the topic you have choosen. COVID-19/Quarantine Police brutality The Black Lives Matter movement Recent protests related to social justice and systemic racism The Supreme Court’s ruling on DACA Your memoir should be 4-5 pages long (not including the title … Read more

Explain the “plain-view” doctrine and the probable cause requirement with respect to this doctrine.

Arizona v. Hicks (1987), and the Supreme Court Imagine that the Supreme Court has issued a decision that reverses Arizona v. Hicks (1987), and the Supreme Court under a new case fictional case, entitled New York v. Henderson (2016), now holds that the plain view doctrine does allow police officers to seize on less than … Read more

civil rights : Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it.

Civil rights Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which … Read more

Federalism : .Define federalism and how does it play a role in this situation

Federalism 2020 – 2021 has been an especially hard year for many people. The onset of the Coronavirus and the resulting pandemic has yielded catastrophic results for many citizens across the country. One such hardship has has been in economic terms. Unemployment was at an all time high, though we are now rebounding. A direct … Read more

Vaccinations: How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing?

Vaccinations ▪ How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? ▪ How does the Media impact/address the issue? ▪ What does American society think about this issue? ▪ Do the political parties agree on the issue? What are their arguments? ▪ … Read more

Young vs United States Parcel Service: what court system(s) did the case move through first before being heard by the supreme court?

Young vs United States Parcel Service. Write a formal, detailed paper about the case chosen . The paper should be in a formal format – paragraph form, proper spelling and grammar and include citations for all references. Upload your paper in this assignment. Your paper must include the following information in addition to your detailed … Read more