Looking back at your social media experiment from the week, how did your responses go? Did you notice any differences among groups or countries? What stereotypes did people comment on?

Social media During this module, you were to do an experiment using your own social media (Module 03 Activity). Looking back at your social media experiment from the week, how did your responses go? Did you notice any differences among groups or countries? What stereotypes did people comment on? Write at least 3 pages answering … Read more

Did the 1920s “roar” for all Americans why or why not? Use examples from lectures and readings to describe the general political, economic, and social climate of the US during the 1920s.

Exam 1.The United States experienced an era of conservative politics and anti-immigrant attitudes during the 1920s while experiencing tremendous economic growth. It’s also a period shrouded in myth and stereotypes. Did the 1920s “roar” for all Americans why or why not? Use examples from lectures and readings to describe the general political, economic, and social … Read more

How can racial and ethnic stereotypes impact the identity of those on the receiving end of those stereotypes?

Stereotypes How does American Born Chinese attempt to answer these questions about identity possession for the adolescent first and/or second generation immigrant? Some of the issues surrounding identity formation and immigration that you might explore in relation to characters in American Born Chinese include the following: How can racial and ethnic stereotypes impact the identity … Read more

Make a clear, debatable claim not only about what the aim or message of the text “The Hidden Cause of Stereotypes” , but also how/why it is in/effective, persuasive, biased, enlightening, revolutionary and problematic in how it is constructed for its audience .

“The Hidden Cause of Stereotypes” Writing should total 4-5 full pages (Works Cited does not count). Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced. Make a clear, debatable claim not only about what the aim or message of the text “The Hidden Cause of Stereotypes” , but also how/why it is in/effective, persuasive, biased, enlightening, revolutionary and … Read more

Write a response to the issue of American Indian Identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion.

Response paper Write a response to the issue of American Indian Identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion. Think about and explain ideas of stereotypes and popular culture, connections of land, language, and religion and identity, and also how the field of Native Studies is based around the formation … Read more

Discuss how implicit bias affects how we act in a subconscious way. Explain how implicit bias helped convict Adnan.

Implicit Bias in Adnan’s Case. •Implicit bias is a social cognition influenced by attitudes and stereotypes that we have been exposed to. •Discuss how implicit bias affects how we act in a subconscious way. Explain how implicit bias helped convict Adnan. •MLA 7 with in-text citations  

Is Our Society Colorblind?Write a five-page paper analyzing several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes.

Is Our Society Colorblind? •Write a five-page paper analyzing several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes. •Compare and contrast media outlets and their patterns of representation, applying course terms and theories. •Incorporate the core value of community emphasized in the course •Formatted using the ASA style.  

Identify common concerns with each cultural identity.analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.

Toggle Drawer Overview Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least six slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will analyze a simulated case study of a multicultural conflict that could potentially occur within your psychology specialization. Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in … Read more