Examine American literary genres and social movements from Civil War to the contemporary period through the lens of American identity.

American Literature: 1850 (Civil War)—Present-Day (“Post-Racial America”) Examine American literary genres and social movements from Civil War to the contemporary period through the lens of American identity. One page, double-spaced.

The Censorship of Art : Investigate which moral codes underlie these claims against popular music, how social movements mobilize.

The Censorship of Art. The Censorship of Art While the censorship of art is not a new phenomenon, recent years have witnessed renewed and intensified attempts to control popular culture. In particular, rap and rock music have come under increasing attack from various sides representing the entire left and right political spectrum, purportedly for their … Read more

Prove how race and intersectionality impact economic opportunity in a way that is underacknowledged.

Strat Econ Critique Stratification economics are how intergroup disparities in economics can be studied with sociological and social-psychological concepts of racial bias. Rather than focus merely on human capital deficiencies, stratification economics recognize the differences in structural resources that account for economic inequality. Critical race theory is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights … Read more

Investigated which moral codes underlie these claims against popular music, how social movements mobilize

The Censorship of Art The Censorship of Art While the censorship of art is not a new phenomenon, recent years have witnessed renewed and intensified attempts to control popular culture. In particular, rap and rock music have come under increasing attack from various sides representing the entire left and right political spectrum, purportedly for their … Read more

Social movements : The role of the police, as an institution, in society, including their relationships with social movements, is a central issue in contemporary American life. Are they a neutral force who defend and protect the interests of the entire society?

Social movements Answer the essay questions below. (12 points). The role of the police, as an institution, in society, including their relationships withsocial movements, is a central issue in contemporary American life. Are they a neutralforce who defend and protect the interests of the entire society? What is Alex Vitale’s argument with regard to this … Read more

Racial Inequality and Social Change: Develop an essay arguing how conflict can develop within social movements as a result of the involvement of the dominant majority in movements for marginalized minority groups.

Racial Inequality and Social Change Review Chapter 10, “Race and Ethnicity,” in your textbook, Experience Sociology, Fourth Edition. Chapter 17, “Social Change: Globalization, Population, and Social Movements.” Develop an essay arguing how conflict can develop within social movements as a result of the involvement of the dominant majority in movements for marginalized minority groups. Include … Read more

Social movements about LGBTQ in America: choose and explain any case from western or non-western societies that refers to social movement and political protest.

Social Movements about LGBTQ in America Choose  and explain any case from western or non-western societies that refers to social movement and political protest. The expectation is applying one or some of the social movement theories introduced in this course to explain the chosen case. There are many cases in the world to explore by … Read more

Explain how social movements will shape politics?

Explain how social movements will shape politics? What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)? Will the movements accomplish their goals, or have unexpected side effects? Draw on theories discussed … Read more