Does high emotional intelligence and exposure to social media affect belief in Fake news and Endorsement?

Quantitative Methods in Individual Differences Does high emotional intelligence and exposure to social media affect belief in Fake news and Endorsement? 1. Design, conduct and report psychological research using quantitative methods. 2. Examine and assess the complexity of measuring individual differences  

Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.

Development towards Sustainable cities Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11. (1 space) The maximum wordcount is 5000 words including abstract, in-text citations, image captions, and bibliography. The font Times New Roman should be used in 12pt. Page … Read more

Disaster management :What are the views and opinions of disaster victims on social media?What are media formats shared through social media during disasters?

Disaster management What are the views and opinions of disaster victims on social media? What are media formats shared through social media during disasters? To what extent have disaster management agencies adopted social media during emergencies?    

Business Law : The HR handbook states that employees are not allowed to use company computers for social media use. Are there any liabilities to Jamal or the employer from his actions? Why or why not?

Business Law Social Media and the liabilities and risks from a legal perspective. Social media is defined as electronic communication (including the Internet or network systems) where participants communicate and share ideas, information, personal messages and other content (i.e., music or videos). A common example is an employer restricting the use of social media both … Read more

In Sherry Turkle’s piece “Always-On/Always-On-You: The Tethered Self” she posits that we are immersed in a new form of sociality, a changing communal space that comes from our increasing reliance on our devices. With this comes a new understanding of intimacy and need for validation. In “Generation Like” we see young adults seeking the external validation their constant presence online creates, with little understanding of the implications on their internal sense of self. In this prompt, discuss the ways in which this progression is changing the landscape of our society as we are increasingly reliant on our devices and what we are offered through our online immersion. Hints: Think about selfies and why they are taken and”.

Influencers In Sherry Turkle’s piece “Always-On/Always-On-You: The Tethered Self” she posits that we are immersed in a new form of sociality, a changing communal space that comes from our increasing reliance on our devices. With this comes a new understanding of intimacy and need for validation. In “Generation Like” we see young adults seeking the … Read more

“Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” : Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her public relations consultant.Incorporate the principles of PR that you have learned.

“Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” Review the Case “Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media”in The Practice of Public Relations and use the questions at the end of the chapter. Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her public relations consultant.Incorporate the principles of PR … Read more