What are the realities of slavery and its role in causing the Civil War, referencing at least two Conflicts or Compromises that resulted in the Civil War.

Slavery in US History Write a response to the following: (1) Explain the origins of slavery in the American colonies. (2)What are the realities of slavery and its role in causing the Civil War, referencing at least two Conflicts or Compromises that resulted in the Civil War. This should include 8-11 paragraphs 1 paragraph of … Read more

African diaspora:Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument , how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors?

African diaspora Write a 4-5 pages response (double-spaced, 12 point font) to the question below. Can you marshal all of the sources to explain, by way of a central argument , how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors?

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder: explain the role of cognitive dissonance during slavery as described by Dr. DeGruy.

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder While African Americans managed to emerge from chattel slavery and the oppressive decades that followed with great strength and resiliency, they did not emerge unscathed. Slavery produced centuries of physical, psychological and spiritual injury. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing lays the … Read more

Slavery: identify the authors who argue that slavery is a positive institution.what are their key arguments in defense of slavery? 

Slavery 1) Identify the authors who argue that slavery is a positive institution.  What are their key arguments in defense of slavery? 2) Identify the authors who reject slavery.  Characterize their position as moderate, reasonable, militant or radical. 3) Do you agree or disagree with Henry David Thoreau’s position (Document F) on civil disobedience concerning … Read more

In capitalism and slavery, arguments by marxists and capitalists, how is it judged in the contemporary context.

Capitalism and slavery In capitalism and slavery, arguments by marxists and capitalists, how is it judged in the contemporary context. Include an introduction, a brief literature review, your main argument, and a conclusion. Reference guide: Font Style Times New Roman Font Size 11 Line spacing 1.15  

US History: between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery?

US History. •Between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery? •How did they justify the potential of war over slavery’s defense or abolition? 750-1,000 words (2-3 pages double space) citations can be in MLA or Chicago style.

 Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor: how did slavery and freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and how immigrant workers are perceived as belonging or not belonging?

 Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor •How was the institution of slavery central to the creation of what is now known as the United States, and why did racialized “unfree” labor continue to exist after the abolition of the institution of slavery ? •How did slavery and freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and … Read more

How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labour.

How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labour. (375 words ) Indian peoples played a central role in American history. Defend this statement. (375 words )

Describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the civil war.evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861.

Describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the Civil War. Evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861. The essay will total no less/more than 1,300-1,600 words in length (double-spaced, 1 inch margins Times New Roman size 12)