Write an essay discussing, exploring, and focusing on one central fact of your life, such as religion, language, race, unique talents, and/or place of birth. Explain how that fact has influenced your life.

Language. Write an essay discussing, exploring, and focusing on one central fact of your life, such as religion, language, race, unique talents, and/or place of birth. Explain how that fact has influenced your life. Use examples, quotations, and citations from 2-3 essays and/or poems we have read, videos we watched, and/or your independent research and … Read more

Script on race, class and gender from the 17th to 21th centuries.

Script on race, class and gender from the 17th to 21th centuries. Gather, interpret, and assess information from a variety of sources and points of view. Evaluate evidence and arguments critically or analytically. Produce well-reasoned written or oral arguments using evidence to support conclusions. Analyze and explain one or more major themes of U.S. history … Read more

Why do you think race has continued to be an important social reality even after it has been discredited scientifically?Explain.

Race García describes the reasons that race is considered a “discredited concept in human biology.” Despite this scientific fact, most people continue to believe that race is “real.” Why do you think race has continued to be an important social reality even after it has been discredited scientifically?Explain.

How is Irene bound by race? What other characters are bound and suffocated by race, how is their experience different from Irene’s?

“Race! The thing that bound and suffocated her.” In Passing by Nella Larsen, Irene Redfield proclaims, “Race! The thing that bound and suffocated her.” How is Irene bound by race? What other characters are bound and suffocated by race, how is their experience different from Irene’s? All Reading Responses should be submitted typed, double-spaced, in … Read more

How should Target manage thoughtful expansion with products that support the LGBT Community and elevate the brand? What kind of financial investment might this require? What kind of partnerships could this entail?

The LGBT Guest This case presents a scenario with a hypothetical challenge. Approach it as if you were a Target team member. Diversity means more than just ethnic background or race. The U.S. population is morevibrant and varied in composition than ever before with the makeup of rapidly growing,changing, and most importantly blurring. According to … Read more

Race: what is race? how is it culturally constructed?

Race •What is race? How is it culturally constructed? •Who has benefited from the belief that there are natural or biologically based differences between racial groups, and we can sort people according to race? •What are some of the social consequences of these beliefs? Provide at least one example from the readings, lectures, and/or discussions, … Read more

What are the basic concepts in the study of race and ethnicity?how do sociologists think about racism?discuss.

Answer 3 of 4 questions in essay format. The answer should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format, in a MS Word document. Each answer should be 250 to 500 words in length (1 to 2 pages). The answered question is worth up to 25 points. All answers can be done utilizing your textbook and/or … Read more