What are some of the reasons why employees fail to disclose their mental health experiences in the workplace?

Video Analysis Essay Guidelines  (50 points total) Each student is required to respond to a series of questions related to the video posted. Students must answer each question in depth and demonstrate learning and understanding. Instructions: Watch the following video and respond to the questions below in as much detail as possible. Video: https://youtu.be/pjRO0QcvPJI What … Read more

With explicit reference to children, young people and families, what are local services doing to address stigma and discrimination.

Mental distress, recovery, resilience and wellbeing Demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which the impact of Covid-19 can be experienced by children, or young people or families and design a resource that can signpost them to areas of support for mental distress during the pandemic. With regard to children and young people, how and … Read more

Write an essay about your own experiences and observations of gender roles and responsibilities during the pandemic, in which you agree, disagree, or both with Helen Lewis’s argument that women suffer more than men from the effects of a pandemic.

Pandemic Write an essay about your own experiences and observations of gender roles and responsibilities during the pandemic, in which you agree, disagree, or both with Helen Lewis’s argument that women suffer more than men from the effects of a pandemic.

Choose any relatively narrow product category such as men’s clothing, or beef, or smartphones, should Includes the Following Elements.

Follow sales of Peloton company during the pandemic. Choose any relatively narrow product category such as men’s clothing, or beef, or smartphones, should Includes the Following Elements. 1. Follow the sales of your product directly before and throughout the pandemic. Use actual data. Discuss trends, especially in % terms, and any notable features of the … Read more

Ghost Kitchen List at least 3 restaurants that may have made the shift since the pandemic or those who have resorted to opening a ghost/cloud kitchen instead of their original brick and mortar or food truck plan.

Ghost Kitchen List at least 3 restaurants that may have made the shift since the pandemic or those who have resorted to opening a ghost/cloud kitchen instead of their original brick and mortar or food truck plan. Explain all of these restaurants’ changes in detail.

Pandemic Related Consumer Problems: provide a critical consumer analysis using CB concepts and theories from discussions in class and independent academic literature research of why and how customers behave.

Pandemic Related Consumer Problems Apply your advanced knowledge of consumer behavior to the current issues of the global pandemic. You have 2500 words (plus any appendices and works cited) to Provide a critical consumer analysis using CB concepts and theories from discussions in class and independent academic literature research  of why and how customers behave. … Read more