Discuss what led them to become an advocate and which of the sociological views help to explain the type of inequality being addressed by the advocate. Did their advocacy invoke a change and or influence others? Discuss why or why not. What lessons do you believe we can take away from this person and apply today?

Racial, ethnic, LGBTQ+, or gender inequality Use the internet to conduct research about a significant person who was or is an advocate against racial, ethnic, LGBTQ+, or gender inequality. Choose a person who has had an impact on promoting equality whether through philanthropy, civil rights, teachings, or lifestyle. Discuss what led them to become an … Read more

Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and the lgbtq+ individuals as well as what has been done nowadays to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and what could be done.

Editing script for podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights Edit a script for a podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and the way in which LGBTQ+ individuals have been seen and treated in the United States Armed Forces over history. Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and … Read more

Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student.

Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student. Bring in some terminology, techniques or approaches from either Rogers, Perls or Glasser, our theories for this week. Case Study topic to be used : Background: Suburban public middle school in NJ – 400 students – … Read more

Social movements about LGBTQ in America: choose and explain any case from western or non-western societies that refers to social movement and political protest.

Social Movements about LGBTQ in America Choose  and explain any case from western or non-western societies that refers to social movement and political protest. The expectation is applying one or some of the social movement theories introduced in this course to explain the chosen case. There are many cases in the world to explore by … Read more

Explain the role of social workers on an international level in relation to the rights of the LGBTQ community and identify the specific skills and actions to employ as an advocate.

   Social Workers and the LGBTQ Population and Advocacy, Internationally The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias. Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme … Read more