Compare similarities and differences between China vs India economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

World Economies Comparison Presentation Prepare 3 slide presentation: Introduction slide; Inflation rate over time slide; and Inflation rate over time chart slide for China vs India (world’s 2 most populous countries) Compare similarities and differences between China vs India economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth … Read more

Explain the impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies of India and Malaysia

THE IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN EMERGING ECONOMIES. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIA AND MALAYSIA Explain the impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies of India and Malaysia.Nations across the globe have developed progressively closer contacts since the onset of globalisation in the 1980s, but the pace of globalisation has increased … Read more