How what you learned can be applied to your team’s Business in Action project.

Pick a podcast to listen to from NPR’s How I Built This with Guy Raz (Links to an external site.). You can pick any podcast from this series to do your paper on. If you pick an episode marked “Resiliency” you MUST also listen to the original podcast. “Resiliency” episodes are follow-up conversations with … Read more

Does extended mimicry result then in a loss of self-identity (or maybe lowered self-esteem)?

Does mimicry result in loss of self-identity? Research suggests that social exclusion increases mimicry, perhaps as a means to illicit integration back into the group. Does extended mimicry result then in a loss of self-identity (or maybe lowered self-esteem)? Possibly also question if inclusion gained from mimicry post-exclusion will result in lowered tendencies to mimic … Read more

: Assess “the web,” how it works, its key components, and applications. Examine future trends related to the web.

Topic: Assess “the web,” how it works, its key components, and applications. Examine future trends related to the web. Text book: Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, 2020 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-135-19179-8 One additional source needed.

Educational Psychology:Maintain a definitions log of 10 key terms in each chapter.

Assignment Chapters 12 Students will read the Chapter 12 of Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, (8th edition) and Maintain a definitions log of 10 key terms in each chapter (the student should define these in his/her own words), as well as answering the constructed response question(s) and multiple-choice questions at the end of the chapter. Key … Read more

Explain how you would use at least three of the seven tactics described under “Maintaining A Positive Conversational Flow’ (Chapter 3 –Learning Objective 3) to move the conversation from complaining to problem solving.

You manage your company’s software development lab which has added several dozen new employees over the past year due to company growth and some retirements. A senior developer sees you at lunch and starts to unload his frustrations about needing to get his own work done while being expected to mentor and train a “bunch … Read more

Provide a background of the scandal, the ethical dilemma, the choices made and your opinion, including would you have made the same choice.

Please research and write about an unethical business scandal. Please take time to really find a story that is not as well known, as some of those that are discussed in your textbook or in the local and national news. Please provide a background of the scandal, the ethical dilemma, the choices made and your … Read more

How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin?

Dante’s views on sin, as expressed in his Com-media, were profoundly influenced by his experiences in life and the state of Europe, and Italy especially, during his day. Sin is obviously a personal choice, but it has social ramifications. How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin? You will need to state an answer … Read more

Write a research report on a disease or a disorder or a syndrome (of your interest or has affected a family member or a friend or that you want to know more about) Include the causal organism.

You are required to write a research report on a disease or a disorder or a syndrome (of your interest or has affected a family member or a friend or that you want to know more about) Include the causal organism (if the disease is caused by an organism) if any (how it reproduces, where … Read more

What types of hypotheses have been published on the topic you’ve chosen? How do the various hypotheses (if there are various hypotheses) compare and contrast?

Sources must be cited with an-noted bibliography Students should research and prepare a paper or presentation over a gene, protein, pathway, treatment, phenomenon, etc., that has been experimentally shown to be associated with cancer. • The research papers should be approximately 10-12 double-spaced, and should provide information that is significantly beyond general information that can … Read more

Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States.

The task that I’ve chosen is: ´´Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States (African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, or Jewish Americans). Use primary sources from the Library of Congress or NARA (the National Archives) or other serious archival source.´´ I’ve already sent in a term paper … Read more