Explain how you would use at least three of the seven tactics described under “Maintaining A Positive Conversational Flow’ (Chapter 3 –Learning Objective 3) to move the conversation from complaining to problem solving.

You manage your company’s software development lab which has added several dozen new employees over the past year due to company growth and some retirements. A senior developer sees you at lunch and starts to unload his frustrations about needing to get his own work done while being expected to mentor and train a “bunch of newbies”. After listening to the manager rant for over five minutes, you would like to shift the conversation toward finding a solution that will work for everybody. Explain how you would use at least three of the seven tactics described under “Maintaining A Positive Conversational Flow’ (Chapter 3 –Learning Objective 3) to move the conversation from complaining to problem solving. These seven tactics are: don’t talk nonstop, don’t interrupt, express criticism and disagreement indirectly, stay engaged—and appear engaged, summarize to re-energize and focus, ask direct questions, and ask indirect questions. Think carefully about which methods you would use. Give examples of how you will apply these three tactics to turn the conversation around to move on to finding solutions. Think about how you can support this developer (and other managers who may have similar problems). Consider a proposal you could both make to the company to support all managers in this situation. This would include main points of concern and why your proposal would benefit the company.Please also look over the attached articles for some extra information and guidance. Considerations in this Assignment First, analyze the situation. Without this planning/overview stage, you may come to the wrong conclusions. Researching is key so that you can use critical thinking skills to describe what has happened with the issues in this assignment (see the book and articles for help and guidance). Next describe the communication issues based on information you have learned in the textbook and the articles posted with this assignment.
Describe the conversation issues you are facing and how you are going to work with this manager to turn the conversation to positive solutions..Also consider how you can work with him to resolve his problem and help other managers in the firm who are most likely facing these same issues. (Perhaps a report to upper management? Again, keep this in mind for writing assignment 3!