Provide a background of the scandal, the ethical dilemma, the choices made and your opinion, including would you have made the same choice.

Please research and write about an unethical business scandal. Please take time to really find a story that is not as well known, as some of those that are discussed in your textbook or in the local and national news. Please provide a background of the scandal, the ethical dilemma, the choices made and your opinion, including would you have made the same choice. Please note that you cannot not have any more than 15% plagiarism. You can submit as many times as needed to decrease the amount and resubmit. Anything more will result in a zero for the project.
Your paper should be at least a 8-10 page double spaced document.
You should have a separate title page and bibliography page. So, your total number of pages should be no more than 12 pages. You must have at least 3 references on your bibliography page. It does not matter if it is MLA or APA.
STUDENTS WILL EMAIL THEIR TENATIVE TOPICS TO THE INSTRUCTOR FOR APPROVAL. Student will only be given one full week to get all topics approved. Once the instructor approves your topic via email then you are free to do your research. Students will also upload their topics in Blackboard for a grade. Please submit your topic for approval by March 17th by 11:59 p.m. Examples of some topics are below. Paper is due on April 21st by 11:59PM