Write an essay that answers the question: To what extent are cholinesterase inhibitors effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?

Write an essay that answers the question: To what extent are cholinesterase inhibitors effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease? Define/explain Alzheimer’s disease. Then, define/explain all types of cholinesterase inhibitors that are used to treat Alzheimer’s while also explaining whether or not they are an effective treatment.

What Happens in Your Brain When You Taste Food?

Listen: Camilla Arndal Andersen: “What Happens in Your Brain When You Taste Food | TED Talk (Links to an external site.) (13.43 mins.). Camilla Arndal Andersen’s Listen to TED Talk, and evaluate if she communicates her central ideas with conviction and credibility. What adds to or detracts from her authority? Is she persuasive or not? Give specific examples … Read more

How changes in physical development effect cognitive processing and decision-making.

Address the following in your newsletter: Trends in understanding puberty over the last 100 years and reasons for these trends. The effect of early and late onset puberty on adolescent physical development and social/emotional relationships with peers. How changes in physical development effect cognitive processing and decision-making. The current role of technology on students’ sense … Read more

Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint.

Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint. Please go through the presentation, making sure to watch each of the clips that are embedded into the PowerPoint and then enter your journal response to the posted journal reflection questions. PowerPoint: Below is a PowerPoint that has five embedded video clips. The … Read more