Create a list of ways in which employees of your company can help out in the community, mostly involving volunteer work.

Create a list of ways in which employees of your company can help out in the community, mostly involving volunteer work. High on the list is working for Habitat for Humanity in building homes for low-income residents of the community. Create an easily accessible list of ways that employees can be more involved in their … Read more

Find three advertisements from the U.S. magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss.

One of the industries closely watched by the Federal Trade Commission is the weight-loss industry. Find three advertisements from the U.S. magazines, newspapers, or television that deal with weight loss. What claims were made? Do you believe the claims are truthful and legitimate? How do you, as a consumer, distinguish between what is truthful and … Read more

Correlation and Regression.Find an article that uses regression analysis to study a medical concern.

Correlation and Regression. If a regression analysis was to be completed on body mass index (BMI), what could be an independent variable in that analysis? Why? What other independent variables should be included in the analysis? What statistic(s) would show the value of that regression in understanding BMI? Find an article that uses regression analysis … Read more

Express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world.

Social Justice Unit.  Express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world. Do people need “act” in order to be activists? Or does social media bring much needed attention to important problems in the world? Or both?

RACISM:What is racism? What kind of thinking underlies it? How does it manifest itself? How do people fight against it?

RACISM What is racism? What kind of thinking underlies it? How does it manifest itself? How do people fight against it? Are black folks “citizens”? In this course we have we have talked a lot about the “Repressive State Apparatus”, which is What are some specific ways in which the Repressive State Apparatus is deployed? … Read more