The Policy Implication of Global Climate Change: write a memo to a senior decision maker either in the United States or in another country of your choice, or in an international organization of the UN, or in an international non-governmental organization about the policy implication of global climate change.

The Policy Implication of Global Climate Change Write a memo to a senior decision maker either in the United States or in another country of your choice, or in an international organization of the UN, or in an international non-governmental organization about the policy implication of global climate change. The memo itself should be no … Read more

Describe two health care concerns related to global climate change.

Describe two health care concerns related to global climate change. Compare concerns in the United States related to these topics with one developed and one developing country. Describe 2–3 health promotion/health protection strategies a nurse could implement. Described 2–3 health promotion strategies public health nurses might implement to help mitigate concerns of global climate change.