Write a report describing the Air Quality and Smoke Management resources available to land management agencies in your state, tribe, or country.

AQ and Smoke Management Resources in Tennessee. Write a report describing the Air Quality and Smoke Management resources available to land management agencies in your state, tribe, or country. Report Instructions: This report should be typed and should be at least the equivalent of 10 single spaced typed pages. Feel free to use single or … Read more

What factors contributed to the power grid failure in Texas during February 2021? What other areas have experienced rolling blackout recently?

Article Analysis You can find the article here: https://apnews.com/article/why-texas-power-grid-failed-2eaa659d2ac29ff87eb9220875f23b34 please answer the first question before reading. Before reading the article: Before reading the article – had you heard about the February 2021 Texas power grid crisis? What were your impressions of the causes/impacts? Was anyone you know impacted? Now that you have read the article: … Read more

Environmental Science: think of an example of an environmentally friendly meal you could make at home.in what way(s) is this meal environmentally friendly?

Environmental Science Eating food grown using sustainable methods, such as natural pesticides and crop rotation, is better for the environment than eating food grown using conventional methods, such as synthetic pesticides. Eating plant-based food is better for the environment than eating meat-based food. Plants require less land, water, and resources than livestock. Eating imperfect food … Read more

Chasing Ice: do we have an obligation to future generations to change the way we are impacting the planet?what about an obligation to other species on earth? why or why not?

Chasing Ice Consider and comment on what you knew about climate change and the climate crisis before watching the film. Have your ideas shifted or changed? How? In what ways? Balog admits that he was previously skeptical about humans’ ability to alter the chemistry of the air we breathe, but he changed his mind after … Read more