Select a policy initiative that references the healthcare or education field at the national level.

National Policy Process Unit IV Select a policy initiative that references the healthcare or education field at the national level. Identify, describe, and provide a rationale for the chosen policy. Provide relevancy and its effect on the chosen industry. Describe any deviation from the current policy that would improve its effectiveness. Distinguish how the national … Read more

Description of each model, such as capitated payments, fee-for-service, including new and emerging models being introduced to the industry, such as value-based, MACRA, and others.

Reimbursement You are the Associate Vice President for Education and Training for OtroRaza Health, the academic medical center and health system associated with Enormous State School of Medicine (ESSM). The vice president of medical affairs comes to you concerned about the viability of the school’s residency programs. Several of ESSM’s residency site stakeholders are seeking … Read more

In what ways might implicit bias impact the assessment process and assessment results in educational settings?

Assessments in Education 1.) In what ways might implicit bias impact the assessment process and assessment results in educational settings? 2.) The New Teachers’ Challenges article suggests that new teachers often report feeling under-prepared in assessment practices and developing quality classroom assessments. In what areas of assessment do you feel most confident? What do you … Read more

Observe and reflect on how this individual communicates and provides education/coaching, using information competency skills as a means of improving the delivery of safe and effective patient care.

Medication teaching with a patient topic. Observe a nurse or other member of the inter-professional team providing patient education, instruction, or coaching to a single patient, client or group. Observe and reflect on how this individual communicates and provides education/coaching, using information competency skills as a means of improving the delivery of safe and effective … Read more

Choose Two or More of the following themes for Microaggressions and write about them

Racism, Privilege, Microaggressions, Unconscious Bias. Choose Two or More of the following themes for Microaggressions and write about them: -Alien in one’s own land -Ascription of intelligence -Color Blindness -Pathologizing Cultural Values or Communication Styles -Second-Class Citizen -Criminality or Assumption of Criminal Status -Prejudicing and Stereotyping -Myth of Meritocracy, Denial of Individual Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism … Read more