“The State of Kentucky should end the death penalty because of unfairness in its application” . It is possible to show that the death penalty is applied unfairly, but thoughtful, educated people could argue for keeping it.Explain.

length: 750 words “The State of Kentucky should end the death penalty because of unfairness in its application” . It is possible to show that the death penalty is applied unfairly, but thoughtful, educated people could argue for keeping it.Explain. Use at least two different sources. Format: MLA

Is the death penalty a just sentence for this crime? Explain your answer. What alternative punishments might be appropriate?

Death penalty After completing a thorough investigation into the robbery and serving your search warrant, both of your suspects were found guilty at trial. The next step of the Criminal Justice System (the sentencing phase) will begin. Because victim Roberts was shot in the head and killed, the State is seeking the death penalty for … Read more

State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why.Does the death penalty violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment?

Death penalty. State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why. Does the death penalty violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment? Is it legal to execute someone who has intellectual disabilities? Is it legal to execute someone who is mentally ill? Be sure to support your answer … Read more

Should there be a death penalty for first-degree murder?make an argument that either supports or opposes the use of the death penalty in first-degree murder cases.

Should there be a death penalty for first-degree murder? Make an argument that either supports or opposes the use of the death penalty in first-degree murder cases. Be sure to define what is involved with first-degree murder and provide adequate reasoning and support for your argument.