The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory: after reading the story, do you have an idea of what the author thinks of the lab-leak theory?

The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory After reading the story, do you have an idea of what the author thinks of the lab-leak theory? What do you think of the lab-leak theory? How did the author weave the stories of other people throughout?  

Which elements in terms of narrative story telling devices and themes do they have in common?what does each diary contribute to our historical understanding of their respective plague event?what do plague diaries allow us to see that other kinds of historical sources do not?

Read and complete a historical analysis of excerpts from three plague diaries of eyewitnesses to the Plague of Athens (Thucydides), Black Death in 17th century England (Samuel Pepys) and Covid-19 in 21st century Wuhan, China (Fang Fang). Which elements in terms of narrative story-telling devices and themes do they have in common? What does each … Read more

Entrepreneurship: identify and critically evaluate the specific skills that an entrepreneur would ideally possess in today’s post COVID-19, international business environment as a small supplier to the aforementioned Global airline.

Entrepreneurship Identify and critically evaluate the specific skills that an entrepreneur would ideally possess in today’s post COVID-19, international business environment as a small supplier to the aforementioned Global airline. How will the entrepreneur’s skills and traits evolve and develop as the Global airline develops its capacity again? Which of the entrepreneurs’ initial characteristics and … Read more

International leadership and entrepreneurship: outline and critically evaluate the leadership style best suited to a global airline impacted by COVID-19 and the resultant lock downs, travel bans and travel restrictions, the furloughing of staff and right-sizing of the enterprise.

International leadership and entrepreneurship Outline and critically evaluate the leadership style best suited to a global airline impacted by COVID-19 and the resultant lock downs, travel bans and travel restrictions, the furloughing of staff and right-sizing of the enterprise. Critically evaluate how the appropriate leadership approach would assist in rebuilding the profitability and sustainability of … Read more

Covid 19: identify your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that you believe specifically conflicts with the company’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement.

Covid 19 Identify your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that you believe specifically conflicts with the Company’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement. Explain how your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance specifically conflicts with the Company’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement, and identify and describe the accommodation that you are requesting to eliminate the conflict, as … Read more

Covid Health problem: select a current aspect of the Covid-19 (corona virus) health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level, and state why it is of interest.      

Covid Health problem Writing Assignment Purpose: To provide the opportunity for students to practice influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about the corona health problem. Instructions: students complete the following steps: 1. Select a current aspect of the Covid-19 (corona virus) health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level, and … Read more

How have various scholars and policymakers operationalized the concept of poverty differently?

1. How have various scholars and policymakers operationalized the concept of poverty differently? 2. What goes into measuring poverty, and what’s left out? 3. How are these measures used, and why was the Trump administration trying to redefine the formula? 4. How have these differences in measurement affected what we think is happening during the … Read more