Describe the different levels of armed conflict according to International Humanitarian Law. According to these rules and as of May-June 2022, how would you catergorize the situations in Yemen? Afghanistan? Moldova?

Conflict 1: Describe the different levels of armed conflict according to International Humanitarian Law. According to these rules and as of May-June 2022, how would you catergorize the situations in Yemen? Afghanistan? Moldova? 2: Identify all of the parties to the conflicts; when each became an armed conflict; and other relevant analysis required to make … Read more

Take one global health topic and critique it sociologically,using the following social theories

Reducing fertility in Egypt Take one global health topic and critique it sociologically,using the following social theories : Faminist theory , strucutural functionalism ( consensus theory) , interaction and conflict( Marxist) The essay should integrate literature ,which should be cited and referenced in the Harvard Format  

Group Conflict : Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes that includes introduction and a conclusion slides.

Group Conflict Two small manufacturing businesses in Chicago, IL operated in direct competition with each other for 20 years. Due to recent changes in economic conditions, the two businesses combined in a horizontal merger. When the businesses merged, 20% of the workforce at each company was let go. The combined employees now work together in … Read more

Conflict and conflict resolution : Identifying types of conflicts and explain the ways of resolving conflicts through effective communication techniques.

Conflict and conflict resolution. Identifying types of conflicts and explain the ways of resolving conflicts through effective communication techniques. Paper will be an eight-to ten-page paper . Identify a recent interpersonal, group, or organizational conflict that you were involved in and was later resolved. Select five of the topics listed below and discuss how they … Read more

Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless.

Does democracy reduce conflict? Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless. The conclusion should emphasise that although democracies are flawed because of this, they are still the best system of governance. Includes 20 academic sources to support and counter various arguments.  

Conflict : What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation?

Conflict You’ve seen yourself in a conflict situation, and you’ve seen yourself as the mediator of a conflict. As you move through the process of case analysis and mediation preparation, answer the following questions: What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation? What is the conflict about? What are the positions and … Read more

Conflict Management Case Study: Develop a case study of your choice and compose an executive summary presentation with speaker notes and citations based on the case study of your choice on conflict .

Conflict Management Case Study Your executive summary presentation should be 10 to 12 slides in length, accompanied by speaker notes. It should be of professional quality. Use APA formatting and citations. Develop a case study of your choice and compose an executive summary presentation with speaker notes and citations based on the case study of … Read more

Conflict: What were the roots of the conflict?How do the parties to the conflict view the behavior of the other and pursue their own interests in the conflict situation?

Conflict What were the roots of the conflict? How do the parties to the conflict view the behavior of the other and pursue their own interests in the conflict situation? At what point did the conflict become detrimental to the parties involved? How might this conflict extend to the larger workplace? Length: 8 pages, not … Read more