Natural Environment and Climate Change: explain the role of the environment in economic development.

 Natural Environment and Climate Change a) Explain the role of the environment in economic development. b) Examine the impact of global warming ant climate change on the ” poor” particularly in developing countries and how the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this impact? c) Discuss the effectiveness of different environmental policies proposed for climate change mitigation, … Read more

Write and represent a reader on how they feel and react to climate fiction through climate change.

Description Write and represent a reader on how they feel and react to climate fiction through climate change. Example climate friction motivate the reader to make adjustments towards maintaining a healthy environment. Introduction: 1.must have a beginning sentence(hook) 2. middle sentence( background information) it introduces different points that the paper gonna talk about. 3.Statement has … Read more

Understand the effects of anthro-pogenic activities on the biosphere including climate change and Ocean acidification.

Understand the effects of anthro-pogenic activities on the biosphere including climate change and Ocean acidification Define anthropogenic activities, describe how such activities can have a negative effect on ocean acidification and climate change, and provide some solutions to overcome these issues.