civil rights : Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it.

Civil rights Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which … Read more

Civil rights movement: write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II.

Civil rights movement Write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II. .2-3 Pages (500 Word Minimum-750 Word Maximum) 5 Paragraph Essay (Intro, 3 stances, and conclusion) MLA Format 12 Point Font Double Spaced

What qualifications and expertise does the author bring?does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?

Watch the research exercise video on the Module 7 Research Module page. After you watch the video, please use the library databases to find an academic/scholarly (peer-reviewed) source for your final project. Once you find an academic source, please write down the author, the date it was published, the title of the article, the title … Read more

Describe the event/issue that is being covered and explain why it represents a civil rights issue.

Civil Rights News Source Review Select a contemporary article on a current civil rights issue. What counts as an article? An article on a website, in a newspaper or magazine, or a broadcast by a recognized television or radio publication all count as articles for our purposes here, as long as they were published (or … Read more

write a 4-6-page paper that discusses the importance of diversity awareness and civil rights in emergency and disaster assistance.

Description Part 1: FEMA Certificates Click on the links below to access the two FEMA certificate sites. Read the overview of both the IS-20.21 course and the IS-21.21 course and then click on Interactive Web Based Course under “Take this Course.” Once you have read through all of the materials, click on Take Final Exam … Read more

Argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective.

You will be writing an argument essay using Letter from a Birmingham Jail. You will argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective. You may approach your claim any way you choose. (i.e., you can examine its impact at the time it was written, at the … Read more